How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Quickly

In most cases, the secondary diseases that follow the high blood pressure manifest long time after the hypertension and it’s symptoms appear. To provide a treatment for hypertension and to lower blood pressure quickly it is significant to discover it’s existence in the beginning phase, before it can generate extremely bad harms to the other […]

Cured Cases of Oedema face, Migraine, Insomnia, Hypertension

The Case When Harpreet Kaur came to MindHeal Homoepathy, she wasn’t her usual self. Her face was awfully swollen; her left eyelid was so badly swollen, it could barely open; and she suffered crushing migraines. This 48-year-old school teacher said her face began to swell two years ago, when she underwent menopause. Her other symptoms, […]

Primary Pulmonary Hypertension Natural Treatment

The unpleasant truth is that there is no cure for Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. The Treatments administered help relieve the symptoms and retard progress of the disease. The objective of Treatments is keeping the complications involved with the condition at bay. The administration of oxygen helps relieve difficulty in breathing in some cases. Furthermore, this relaxes […]

High Blood Pressure – 4 Main Hypertension Causes

Several factors influence hypertension, however it must be fully understood that these factors change from person to person. Some people inherit high blood pressure genetically whereas others develop it from an unhealthy diet and weight gain. These hypertension causes are important to understand how they apply to each patient concerned about their blood pressure. Here […]

Identifying Causes of Secondary Hypertension

Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure. The two types of hypertension are simply referred to as primary and secondary. The main difference between the two is the cause. Basically, when the incidence of hypertension has no known medical cause it is diagnosed as primary hypertension as against secondary hypertension caused by another […]

Do We Really Need to Take Vitamins for Our Health?

Vitamins got their name because they are “vital to life,” meaning that if you are completely deprived of them for a long period of time, you become sick. One hundred years ago many of our forefathers did suffer from malnutrition. That was an age of under-nutrition. Americans are now living in an age of over-nutrition […]