How Does Your Blood Pressure Measure As a Diabetic?

If you are a diabetic then the pressure of your blood can be a bigger and more complicated issue, you see diabetics are more likely to suffer from high bp than non-diabetics of the same age because diabetics can get kidney disease, have increased sensitivity to salt, which is responsible for raising bp and lack […]

Type 2 Diabetes – Do Diabetic Diet Plans Work?

Do diabetic diet plans work when you have type 2 diabetes? The answer is definitely a big “Yes”. The key to managing your diabetes effectively is through a healthy nutritious well-balanced diet and regular exercise. Implementing a diabetes diet plan is essential as well as vital if you want to achieve optimum health. The implementation […]

Diabetic Symptoms & Signs of Diabetes in Toddlers – What to Do Next

If signs of diabetes in are timely detected then there are many options that may help to control this chronic condition. This will also ensure that spent a healthy, happy and normal childhood. The number of diagnosed cases of diabetes in toddlers is increasing day by day. So if you are noticing signs of diabetes […]

Type 2 Diabetes – Diabetic Recipes That Are Simple To Prepare

When you have type 2 diabetes it is vital that you manage your disease effectively with a healthy nutritious diet as well as regular exercise each day. The key to managing diabetes is through a good diabetes diet plan. Following are some diabetic recipes that are simple to prepare and can be very beneficial for […]

Diabetic Dog Care – What to Feed Your Diabetic Dog

Diabetic dog care and knowing what to feed your diabetic dog is vital just as it is for humans. Managing diabetes effectively is essential so that you can control and regulate the blood glucose levels. Maintaining weight in your diabetic dog is very important otherwise you will only create more complications than are necessary. Putting […]

Conclusive Diabetic Testing in Three Categories

Statistical data was referenced from Mayo Clinic report on pre-diabetes and diabetes testing. The foregoing medical tests are used for diagnosis: FPG Test The fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test calculates bloodstream glucose in a individual who has not consumed anything for at least eight hrs. This particular test can be used to discover diabetic issues […]

Diabetic Diet: 5 More Ways To Lower Your Blood Sugar Level

Maintaining a normal sugar level in your body is the main goal for every diabetic. If they let their sugar level get too high by eating some cheat sweet foods over a long time without trying to get it back to a normal level, major health problems can and will appear with their eyes, heart, […]

Saving Money on Diabetic Testing Supplies

Everyone knows that diabetic testing supplies are expensive and since diabetes is a chronic condition, it means that your expenses are most likely the same each year. It’s natural that you want to do everything possible to cut down your cost in managing the said disease better and more efficiently. Saving money on blood glucose […]

Vitamins and Health Supplements

The addition of vitamins and health supplements into your daily diet regimen is smart… VERY smart, especially taking into consideration the fact that most of us eat a diet consisting primarily of cooked, processed, dead food. Burgers, fries, hot dogs, pizza, double beef burritos, etc., combined with our addiction to soda, chips, candy, alcohol, and […]