Male Libido – Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs to Increase Libido and Sexual Desire

You are what you eat and in terms of sexual health it’s crucial to have the right fuel, especially as you get older. It’s a fact that simple diet changes can boost low libido and here we will look at some essentials that your diet needs to contain, from the point of increasing male libido. […]

Why Are Essential Omega-3 Oils Missing in Our Diets?

Scientists are now discovering a vital difference between the sources of Omega 3’s and Omega 6’s. It has to do with “Springtime food,” which produces Omega 3’s and “Fall food,” which produces Omega 6’s. Springtime food gets your body ready for the work ahead – promoting cell regeneration, good circulation and increased metabolism – everything […]

How to Lower High Blood Pressure Using Fish Oil

High Blood pressure is defined as anything higher than 120/80 (normal). When it is high, the heart has to work harder. The higher pressure will likely damage vessels to vital organs such as the kidneys, heart and the brain. It is also known as hypertension. HypertensionSymptoms and Causes Quite often, people have no symptoms but […]