Control Hypertension With Hypertension Exercises

High blood pressure and hypertension when left untreated is known as uncontrolled hypertension. In fact, according to recent research about 75 percent of the people suffering from hypertension in the U.S. do not get effective treatment to manage their high blood pressure. Uncontrolled hypertension is much more dangerous than you might think. One thing patients […]

Blood Pressure: Treatment for Elderly People

Does age in treating high blood pressure in elderly people make having in this treatment more difficult and is this age group more likely to have side effects from antihypertensive agents than their younger counterparts? In general, people in their 70s and older tolerate all drugs less well than younger people because their kidneys and […]

Effective Techniques That Can Decrease Hypertension

If you are looking to decrease your hypertension, following these simple techniques is a good place to start in order to live a prolonged and happy life. Pay attention to your diet – Many foods have hidden ingredients and high levels of salt that you would not notice unless you read the packaging carefully. Salt […]

Hypertension and High Blood Pressure Cures

One highly effective remedy that has also been proven as effective is the co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10). This is a naturally occurring compound that exists throughout your body. Over time, however, the natural levels of CoQ10 in your body decline, which helps to explain some age related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s and high blood pressure. Evidence […]

Do High Blood Sugar Levels Affect Your Eyesight?

Blindness was once a common place complication of type 2 diabetes but now with good medical treatment and regular visits to an eye specialist, the risk of eye damage has decreased considerably. It now affects less than two per cent of people with diabetes. However, a large number of people suffering with type 2 diabetes […]

Natural Remedies For Hypertension – Tips For Optimal Health

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, occurs when too much pressure is placed on the walls of the arteries. While high blood pressure is a serious health concern, there are many proven ways to reduce blood pressure naturally without drugs or medications. Natural remedies are cost effective and have very few (if any) side effects. […]

How Effective Are Herbal Medicines In Lowering Blood Pressure Levels?

How Effective Are Herbal Medicines In Lowering Blood Pressure Levels? Article by Peter Filinovich High blood pressure, caused due to imbalance in systolic and diastolic pressure level is a commonly found health disorder among men and women. It can happen due to versatile causes like high stress, excessive alcohol consumption, excessive sodium intake, over smoking, […]