Do High Blood Sugar Levels Affect Your Eyesight?

Blindness was once a common place complication of type 2 diabetes but now with good medical treatment and regular visits to an eye specialist, the risk of eye damage has decreased considerably. It now affects less than two per cent of people with diabetes. However, a large number of people suffering with type 2 diabetes for more than fifteen years will have some degree of retinal changes.

High blood sugar levels together with high blood pressure can lead to early background eye problems that do not affect your sight. This type of damage often improves when your blood sugars become controlled… on the other hand, continued high blood sugars usually worsen the eye changes until the threat to vision loss becomes real.

It is reasonably certain to expect uncontrolled blood sugars will lead to serious eye complications. The most serious eye complications are forms of retinopathy: the enlargement, breakage, or leaking of tiny blood vessels in your eye, which can spill blood into the eyeball and threaten your vision.

Uncontrolled type 2 diabetes:,

is a leading cause of blindness worldwide is the commonest cause of blindness among people less than sixty five years of age in the United States can also lead to permanently blurred eyesight, cataracts and glaucoma.
What to look out for:

temporarily blurred vision at the same time as fairly large, rapid shifts in your blood sugar level, or when you change your medication continuously hazy or blurred vision difficulty dealing with the glare from oncoming lights when traveling in a car at night any other changes in your eyesight that make it less effective.
What to do if you experience these symptoms:

the most important first step and treatment is good control of both your blood sugars and your blood pressure consult your doctor as soon as possible… depending on your circumstances, diabetic medication may need to be prescribed or updated even ongoing treatment by an ophthalmologist may be indicated… maybe reading glasses will be required Type 2 diabetes is a frequently undetected condition that leads to some particularly unpleasant complications affecting your eyes.

There is overwhelming scientific evidence that shows the risk of complications is directly related to the control of your blood sugars. So prevention of all complications is possible by tight control of your blood sugar level.

Are you looking for effective ways to manage your type 2 diabetes?To download your free copy of my E-Book, click here now: Answers to Your Questions its based on questions many diabetics have asked me over recent months.Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand how to live easily and happily with your type 2 diabetes.

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