Nitric Oxide and Building Your Muscle Fast

Nitric Oxide supplements are probably the most popular supplements on the fitness market today. Walk into any health food store that caters to bodybuilders, and you’ll see names of products such as NO2, Nitrix, NOxplode, SuperPump 250, NOX, TracNO and many others. I’m a strong supporter in nitric oxide products to build muscle and there’s […]

An Overview On The Types of Diabetic Neuropathy

An Overview On The Types of Diabetic Neuropathy Article by Nupur das Diabetic neuropathy is a cluster of nerve damage caused by diabetes mellitus. It is a common complication that injures the nerves responsible for your feeling sensation. There are many ways how diabetes damages these nerves, but it all comes down to one reason, […]

High Blood Pressure Homeopathic Remedies – 5 Alternatives For You

An increase in blood pressure can sometimes be very dangerous because it can cause kidney and heart troubles, as well as the possibility of having a stroke. Worrying and nervousness may temporarily increase hypertension, yet continuous resting high blood pressure is more perilous and should be kept an eye on. The most proper way to […]

Complications of Hypertension

The symptoms of hypertension include headaches, fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears and frequent nosebleeds. But not all people experience these. In fact, the majority of hypertensive persons have no obvious symptoms. One may have high blood pressure for years without noticing anything or feeling different. Because of this, the problem is usually ignored. Doing […]

Geriatric Physical Therapy Exercises Part 7 4. Improves breathing: Deep breathing exercises in yoga, called Pranayama, enhances your lung capacity and aims at bringing more oxygen to the blood and brain. These exercises focus the attention on the breath and teach you how to better use your lungs. Like the asanas, pranayama also calms the mind, allowing a […]