All About Hypertension

A lot of people with high blood pressure do not know they have it. It is because it usually doesn’t have symptoms and you can have it even if you’re feeling good. Especially if you are already getting older, you need to know the facts about high blood pressure as it is one of the most common disorders that increase risks of stroke and other heart ailments.

Severe medical problems also cause blood pressure to rise. Also, arteries become hardened and narrowed with cholesterol plaque and calcium, resulting in the heart having to pump harder to make blood pass through these arteries. When the heart pumps harder, blood pressure tends to automatically increase.

The scary thing about any symptoms of high blood pressure is that they usually do not show until it is too late to do anything about them. When high blood pressure reaches high rates it is referred to as accelerated hypertension. Even at this stage symptoms may not show until it starts shutting down internal organs and the patient begins to enter a dangerous stage of the disease.

Consumption of alcohol might increase blood pressure in some people. If this is the reason you should avoid alcohol. Stress is also said to affect blood pressure You have to find out methods to relax in consultation with your doctor. Various types of drugs are prescribed for hypertension. They include diuretics, alpha blockers and beta blocker. Certain other varieties of drugs include calcium channel blockers and ACE inhibitors.

A healthy diet is important. As a general rule a low salt diet is the first step we should take in order to control our blood pressure. It is well-known that there is a connection between eating a salty diet and high blood pressure. Diet should always be part of treatment. There are many diet pills in the market which are dangerous since their primary ingredient is caffeine and/or effedrine, two of the most famous ingredients that can cause high blood pressure.

Garlic is the most commonly used herb for treating this disease. People have known that garlic would lower this for many, many years…and it DOES lower blood pressure. Onions will also serve the same purpose, as will tomatoes. Most of the herbs used to treat this disease have a diuretic effect. Hawthorn, nutmeg, kelp, and cardamom are all herbs that are used to treat hypertension.

High Blood Pressure medication is best chosen by a physician with full access to your medical records and with consideration of any other medical problems you may have. Most high blood pressure sufferers need more than one type of medication to achieve good blood pressure control. The target blood pressure level should be below 140/85 or below 130/80 if you suffer from diabetes as well as blood pressure. In reality the lower your reading is the better your long term health will be.

Herbal remedies are an important option for blood pressure patients. They work well – but often seem best in my experience when combined with other tactics like exercise training or even some conventional medication – although you should be careful about this. Some herbs can interact with normal blood pressure medications and will cause problems or side effects.

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