Elidel and Protopic? Natural Alternatives to Treat Eczema

As I was couch bound one evening, a ‘cute’ commerical for an eczema drug appeared. It stated that it treated eczema and that there was no cure for eczema. Needless to say, as a naturopathic medical student, I was furious. There is a cure for eczema. It is called prevention. But that is another issue. […]

High Blood Pressure Homeopathic Remedies – 5 Alternatives For You

An increase in blood pressure can sometimes be very dangerous because it can cause kidney and heart troubles, as well as the possibility of having a stroke. Worrying and nervousness may temporarily increase hypertension, yet continuous resting high blood pressure is more perilous and should be kept an eye on. The most proper way to […]

Top Pregnancy Concerns – Gestational Diabetes

When discussing common pregnancy concerns, gestational diabetes and other forms of diabetes usually rank near the top of the list. There is good reason for such attention given to diabetics during pregnancy and other metabolic disorders affecting pregnancy. Type II Diabetes is one of the fastest growing diseases in America today. In recent decades, diabetic […]

Session 1:The Conquest of Rheumatic Fever Heart Disease

School of Medicine Reunion Weekend 2007: Global Health at the School of Medicine: A Tradition of Excellence – CME Program Charles Rammelkamp (Rammel), School of Medicine Reunion Weekend 2007. Presentation given by Richard M. Krause, MD. Recorded at Wolstein Auditorium on October 5, 2007. Video Rating: 5 / 5

Hypertension and Social Economic Status

Social status, prestige, all these are connected with an individual. Sometimes it is acquired or sometimes it comes with the birth. Social status comes with family background, money, position and ethnic family. To reach the social status as others, we earn, earn and earn, we don’t understand how to gain. Middle class people complete their […]

Why Is Malignant Hypertension So Serious?

Malignant hypertension is the most serious form of hypertension and is a progressive rise in the blood pressure and rapidly leads to organ failure. If not properly treated malignant hypertension is generally fatal within five years and death usually comes from kidney failure, heart failure or brain hemorrage. Fortunately this form of hypertension is rare. […]

Melatonin and High Blood Pressure – Is There a Connection?

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if a simple pill taken at night could relieve blood pressure while you slept? Well, a study in 2004 looked at this very possibility, considering the connection between Melatonin and high blood pressure. Today high blood pressure is a disease, which is found through out the world. However this particular disease […]