Why Is Malignant Hypertension So Serious?

Malignant hypertension is the most serious form of hypertension and is a progressive rise in the blood pressure and rapidly leads to organ failure.

If not properly treated malignant hypertension is generally fatal within five years and death usually comes from kidney failure, heart failure or brain hemorrage.

Fortunately this form of hypertension is rare.

Malignant hypertension affects about 1% of those people already suffering with high blood pressure and more commonly affects persons of African descent, as well as those who smoke. It is also known to occur in younger people (even children), and also in women with toxemia of pregnancy.

Malignant hypertension is defined as high blood pressure with swelling of the optic nerve and is diagnosed by the presence of advanced retinopathy in the presence of a diastolic blood pressure of over 120 mm Hg.

Often times these symptoms are also accompanied with trouble or damage of other organs, kidneys, blood vessals, the spleen, heart or even the brain.

There is usually an increase in the blood pressure often for no apparent reason. As it is very difficult to reduce the blood pressure, it can and will cause the vital organs of the body irreparable harm.

Those suffering from malignant hypertension may also complain of

o Confusional periods

o Decreased urinary output

o Headaches

o Vomiting

o Abnormal sensations to the arms, legs and other areas

o Some visual problems

o Change in their mental state, ability to think and concentrate

o Restlessness and anxiety

o Decreased alertness and extreme fatigue

o Chest pain

o Shortness of breath and cough

Any treatment given to a person suffering with malignant hypertension, should be given carefully as a sudden decrease in the blood pressure from very high levels can be just as dangerous as a blood pressure kept at a consistently high level.

Malignant blood pressure should be decreased (if possible) gradually over a period of at least a week with very carefully prescribed anti hypertensive drugs. Complete bed rest is also often prescribed to ensure complete rest is taken.

If it is treated correctly malignant hypertension can be controlled without any further complications. However those cases that are not correctly treated have often die within 5 years.

Mike Herman Is a Successful Webmaster and Publisher of 4HealthConcerns.com [http://www.4HealthConcerns.com] . He Has More For You About Hypertension Symptoms [http://www.4HealthConcerns.com/BloodPressure/hypertension-symptoms.html] And Help In Lowering Your Blood Pressure [http://www.4HealthConcerns.com/BloodPressure/how-to-lower-blood-pressure.html] That You Can Research While Relaxing at Home in Your Pajamas

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