High Blood Pressure Remedies That Promise Lower BP

Many experts consider high blood pressure (hypertension) more dangerous than high cholesterol. It’s been known as the Silent Killer because high blood pressure goes undetected until diagnosed usually due to another ailment constituting a visit to your doctor. If not found in time and if left untreated it can cause heart failures, stroke, kidney failure […]

Powerful Health Supplements For Muscle Fitness Nutrition

Muscle building is not just about weight training, it’s also about nutrition and health. You cannot build strong muscles without good nutrition. If you don’t eat, your metabolism slows down and you burn muscle–and that is the last thing you want to happen if you are a bodybuilder or if you are into fitness sports. […]

How Nutrients Work in Our Body

Nutrients from food are absorbed by the body as it passes through the digestive system: Nutrients are essential for cell growth, maintenance and repair. Nutrients provide energy to enable your body to function efficiently. Nutrients, along with fiber and water, are essential to your good health. Although nutrients can work alone, each depends upon the […]