High Blood Pressure Remedies That Promise Lower BP

Many experts consider high blood pressure (hypertension) more dangerous than high cholesterol. It’s been known as the Silent Killer because high blood pressure goes undetected until diagnosed usually due to another ailment constituting a visit to your doctor. If not found in time and if left untreated it can cause heart failures, stroke, kidney failure and so much more.

But from the words of Hippocrates to Tomas Edison to thousand of medical experts today, healing should being with good nutrition, then natural supplements. If these fail to work, then prescription drugs have a definite role. But unfortunately, in today’s society, the medical system begins with drugs; this is backwards for mild or moderate hypertension (pre-hypertension).

Lay the groundwork now for your dietary plan because what you feed your body is what affects your BP. The more wrong foods you give it, the higher your blood pressure will go. You can lower your blood pressure with natural remedies if you are committed and disciplined enough to look after your body well enough so that it can look after itself.

Increase your potassium and decrease your sodium intake. The body must today work overtime to get rid of the excess sodium and retain potassium, which the body often does so, unfortunately by raising blood pressure! Vegetables are a great source of potassium and include low volumes of sodium (salt). Eat up to five vegetable a day. A few rich in potassium vegetables include: spinach, lettuce, squash, potatoes, broccoli and carrots. A great tip – is having a salad with your dinner along with your normal meat and vegetable dish. In contrast, many ready-made dinners are high in sodium and low in potassium. Therefore prepare and eat fresh food that you can control what goes it and how much.

Start each morning by eating a cereal that more potassium than sodium and use low-fat or skimmed milk.

If you don’t read the ingredients of the foods you buy- now is the time to do it. If the food the in the don’t clearly state what the levels of potassium and sodium are, then don’t buy it. Do not use any salt on your food, this will be hard at first, but in time you will get used to it and your blood pressure will love you for it. If you are serious about lowering your high blood pressure then you can do this, use spices and herbs instead of salt, use Tabasco or horseradish instead.

Garlic – learn to love the smell of it. It is a magic herb that does two things for your body – it naturally lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. Eat up to three cloves a day. If you don’t like garlic – then supplements will also work.

Exercise – it doesn’t matter the time of the season, get out and get walking. Fast walking is better because you’re breathing harder and are pumping blood quicker.

Magnesium – is a highly recommended high blood pressure remedy and the results are truly amazing. Magnesium is a micronutrient that is found is in body and serves normal muscle and nerve function, steady heartbeat and healthy immune system. Also potassium and magnesium work together in tangent. Unfortunately the prescribed diuretics for treating high blood pressure flushes out magnesium from our bodies. It is recommended that most people get around 400 milligrams of magnesium a day. Excellent sources of foods that contain magnesium are whole grain bread, dark leafy vegetables, soybeans and yoghurt.

There are numerous high blood pressure remedies out there that you can try from breathing techniques, to healing music, proper exercising and eating the right foods that respond well to your hypertension.

If you want to save yourself a ton of money in doctor’s bills and medication in curing hypertension click here

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications