Impotence – Your Erection Relies On Nitric Oxide How To Increase It Naturally

If you have never heard of nitric oxide it is actually critical in getting an erection. Many men who turn to drugs such as Viagra to cure impotence may not need to do so, as there are natural ways to increase nitric oxide. Let’s look at what it does and how you can naturally increase […]

Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure-Hypertension

High Blood pressure usually causes no symptoms until complications develop, this is why it is known as the “silent killer.” Warning signs associated with advanced hypertension may include: * Headaches * Sweating * Rapid pulse * Shortness of breath * Dizziness * Visual disturbances Blood pressure is usually divided into two categories, designated primary and […]

Hypertension – Some Things You Really Need To Know

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is one of the leading health conditions plaguing the American population. It is dumbfounding to know that at least one fourth of the nation’s population is being treated for this disease! And what’s worse is that a large number of fatalities can be attributed directly and/or indirectly to this disease. […]

How To Reduce Hypertension Naturally – This Is How To Treat High Blood Pressure Without Medication!

Hypertension is a health condition that is a characterized by a blood pressure value of 140/90 and above. This condition is dangerous for the body, not only because it causes the heart to work harder, but also because it creates atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and increases the chances of coronary disease and stroke (which […]