Hypertension – Some Things You Really Need To Know

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is one of the leading health conditions plaguing the American population. It is dumbfounding to know that at least one fourth of the nation’s population is being treated for this disease! And what’s worse is that a large number of fatalities can be attributed directly and/or indirectly to this disease.

Take stroke as an example – Stroke is one of the leading hypertension-related diseases that are currently raging its vile effects to our people. Dubbed as “the silent killer”, stroke is causing no less than 147,000 deaths per year in this country alone! It has also left its mark on some 3 million people who have survived an attack but were severely disabled as a result of the disease.

Hypertension Defined

Hypertension or high blood pressure is usually defined as having a blood pressure reading equal to or above 160 (systolic) over 95 (diastolic). Some of the most common precursors of hypertension are arteriosclerosis and/or atherosclerosis. The cholesterol plaque build-up as a result of atherosclerosis and the hardening of the arteries brought about by arteriosclerosis can both lead to the constriction of the blood vessels and the imminent elevation of a person’s blood pressure.

Hypertension may also be triggered by a number of other factors. Smoking, obesity, stress, lack of physical activity or being sedentary, the excessive use of stimulants such as coffee or tea and high sodium intake may likewise lead to the development of high blood pressure. Other risk factors include genetics and the use of certain drugs such as contraceptives, steroids, decongestants and anti-inflammatory medications.

Aside from increasing the risks of strokes, hypertension may also lead to other complications and may cause blindness, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, adrenal tumors, kidney failure and heart failure, among others.

Hypertension is a serious disease that can have some very serious or even fatal complications. However, some people find it easy to disregard the condition due to the fact maybe that it usually shows no symptoms. Normally, the symptoms of the disease are only manifested when it has reached the more advanced stages. Among the signs to look out for can include headache, profuse sweating, an elevated pulse rate and shortness of breath. Dizziness and vision disturbances might likewise be experienced.

Since hypertension usually shows no signs, it would be advisable for you to visit your doctor regularly and have him or her to check your blood pressure. This is of utmost importance especially if you belong to one of the high-risk groups as mentioned earlier.

Diagnosing high blood pressure might be impossible to do in a doctor’s office with a single reading alone. To diagnose it correctly, you will need to constantly monitor your blood pressure at home. You need to buy a blood pressure cuff called a sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope or you may opt to use an electronic blood pressure cuff, which is also available in most pharmacies. If you are still at a loss, you can always ask your pharmacist for a knowledgeable recommendation on which blood pressure monitoring kit to use and a quick demonstration to show you how it works.

Be vigilant in looking out for your own health. Do your research on how to save yourself from this debilitating disease and from the other health complications that it can bring. You can effectively put high blood pressure under control with some lifestyle changes and with a little help from your doctor. So, what are you waiting for? Start now!

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Hypertension

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