Blood Pressure: Treatment for Elderly People

Does age in treating high blood pressure in elderly people make having in this treatment more difficult and is this age group more likely to have side effects from antihypertensive agents than their younger counterparts? In general, people in their 70s and older tolerate all drugs less well than younger people because their kidneys and […]

Foods You Should Be Eating to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Most people are aware that high blood pressure can cause some serious health problems. They may know that some foods have to be avoided if they are at risk. However, there are some foods that could help you avoid the problem altogether. The is a diet recommended by many doctors for this purpose. It’s called […]

Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure – They Do Exist

Many people search for the magic pill, tonic, or tea that will take care of all their ills. High blood pressure is a disease that affects 1 out of every 3 Americans and its called the silent disease, because there are often no symptoms for years. Unfortunately for this disease there is no magic pill. […]

Discover the Omega 3 Oil Dangers – How to Avoid Omega 3 Oil Dangers?

It is hard to believe that something like fish oils can be so good for our health and there are no omega 3 oil dangers at all. Being a normal person, it is important for us to know if there are any risks associated with the consumption of fish oils and this is exactly what […]

Herbal Remedies For High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol

High blood pressure is common in many adults. A number of factors can contribute to high blood pressure, including genetics, and can be aggravated by being overweight. If you are currently taking prescription medication for high blood pressure, do not take herbal cures or stop your current treatment until you discuss this with your doctor. […]