Blood Pressure and Mean Arterial Pressure

The blood pressure in our body is always changing and it is part of the human physiology. It is very rare that someone’s blood pressure is always the same because we are always active and we are always doing different things like eating, sitting, standing, walking, breathing, moving around and doing so many other things throughout a day.

Every time that we do something different, our blood pressure changes and it react to the different positions that we are in. It is important that doctors and other professionals have the set rate for each person that relates to blood pressure and what it should be, because it is just impossible for anyone to take his or her blood pressure all the time throughout the day. This is why mean arterial pressure is important. Mean arterial pressure “…is a term used in medicine to describe a notional average blood pressure in an individual. It is defined as the average arterial pressure during a single cardiac cycle.” (Source: Wikipedia)

There are different reasons that mean arterial pressure is taken and recorded. Not all are related to health. The mean arterial pressure is known as part of a couple biological processes that do not show any health problems. When an arterial blood flow goes through the body it is going somewhere that it has in mind. Usually the blood is pumped through the arteries and left in the beds of capillaries that will run across the surface of different organs and give them the nutritional substances that are needed to operate properly. This perfusion pressure is thought to actually be the mean arterial pressure.

For the mean arterial pressure to allow an organ to operate the way that it should, it must be at around 60 mmHg. This is enough for an organ of the average size person as long as it is remains at this spot. If the value falls below the average, it means that there is not enough blood pumping into the organ and this will cause the organ to become alchemic. The result will be tissue damage to the organ. The mean arterial pressure should be checked and calculated on a regular basis. Some health officials check the value of a person’s arterial pressure when they check a person’s blood pressure. It is just one of the many calculations that have to be made about blood pressure.

For more information about blood pressure visit Normal Range Blood PressureTo learn more about staying healthy and fit visit: Good Health For You Site

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