Hypertension (Blood Pressure) And How Sodium Affects Hypertension

Hypertension (blood pressure) and how sodium affects hypertension Understanding Blood Pressure Every person needs blood pressure to live. Without it, blood wouldn’t be able to circulate through the body to carry oxygen and fuel vital organs. Blood pressure is the pressure your blood exerts against your blood vessel walls as your heart pumps. Blood pressure […]

What is Dash Diet Eating Plan?

DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet eating plan is one of the non-pharmacologic therapy in high blood pressure management. It is a part of lifestyle modifications including: low in saturated fat intake, increase fruits and vegetables intake, more substituted carbohydrate-containing food such as whole grain products, increase intake of fish, poultry as well as […]

High Blood Pressure Medication – What’s Best For You?

High blood pressure medication can be a confusing topic and that’s unfortunate because it has such a huge impact on the quality of your life if you suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension. Controlling high blood pressure without medication is obviously the best of all possible worlds, but in some circumstances that’s just not […]

The Importance of Vitamins & Minerals

The body’s biochemical processes need vitamins. In fact vitamins are very essential for the optimum working of these processes. Food has to be converted into energy and the body needs help to manufacture hormones and chemicals needed for the nervous system and blood cells. Only small quantities may be required but these 13 vitamins and […]