Free Tai Chi Lessons – Long Form Instructional for Health

Tai Chi has been shown to lower high blood pressure; boost the immune system resistence to viral infection by 50%; reduce depression, anxiety, ADHD, and help treat heart failure and type 2 diabetes . . . this Tai Chi lesson can help you understand how Tai Chi works, and how WorldTaiChiDay’s free resources can help […]

Living with a long term health condition – Antony’s story

There are 15.4 million people in England with a long term health condition (LTC), which are those conditions that cannot, at present be cured, but can be controlled by medication and other therapies. Asthma, diabetes, arthritis, dementia and hypertension are examples of common long term health conditions. Many people live with a condition that limits […]


Methamphetamine film by Physical effects a small to moderate doses of amphetamines include increased heart rate, raised body temperature, rapid respiration, higher blood pressure, extra energy, dilation of bronchial vessels, and appetite suppression. Long-term use can cause sleep deprivation, heart and blood vessel toxicity, and severe malnutrition. Tolerance develops really quickly causing methamphetamine to […]

Yoga Stretching Exercises: Headstand I (Part 3) — FREE 7-day email course reveals the yoga stretching flexibility secrets of nutrition and practice. FREE YOGA VIDEO Headstand (Sirsasana Pose) Sirsasana, or headstand, looks quite difficult, but is actually a very simple yoga pose that anyone can learn in 1-4 weeks. Inverted yoga postures can feel scary or awkward, but once you get […]