Hypertension – 7 Steps to Normal Blood Pressure Without Using Drugs

As high blood pressure sufferers it pays dividends in terms of our health to know what risk factors we can control and those that we cannot. Our age and genetic make-up are obviously beyond our control; however, following these seven steps will lead us along the drug free road to the heaven of not having […]

Diseases Caused By High Blood Pressure

There are three main diseases caused by high blood pressure. They are each life threatening and they may or may not have any symptoms other than you having high blood pressure. Many drug stores and grocery stories have blood pressure monitoring machines available to the general public for free. You should check you blood pressure […]

Antidepressants and High Blood Pressure – The Connection

Certain medications, drugs, supplements and other substances can elevate or worsen blood pressure or interfere with the actions of medications you are taking to control hypertension. Some specific antidepressants have been linked to increase or worsening the already existing high blood pressure in a patient. Anti-depressants are class of drugs that are usually taken to […]