Natural Blood Pressure Cure

Are Suffering From Fluctuating Blood Pressure?

High Blood Pressure (hypertension) is the #1 killer of African American. It is known as “The Silent Killer.” Stage 1 hypertension is: 140-159/90-99. Stage 2 hypertension is: 160 and above/100 and above. There are usually no symptoms or signs of hypertension. Over 1/3 of its victims do not even know that they have it. But if your blood pressure is extremely high, you could get a severe headache, fatigue or confusion, vision problems, chest pains, difficult breathing, irregular heartbeat, blood in urine. People who are more likely to develop hypertension are: people with a family history, who smoke, African American, pregnant women, people over the age of 35, over weight or obese, non-active, drink alcohol excessively, too much salt and fatty foods. Problems associated with hypertension are: stroke, heart failure, heart attack, and kidney failure.

High Blood Pressure causes the heart to work harder to circulate blood, enlarging part of the heart and weakening the muscles. Overtime it weakens artery walls, leading to a bulging of blood vessels or even worse, causing an artery to burst. Which can cause a stroke. It will cause hardening of the arteries, which leads to a blockage and eventually your heart will stops.

Normal Blood Pressure is: 120/80.

Low Blood Pressure (hypotension) is: anything less than 90/60. For healthy people especially athletes, low blood pressure is a sign of good cardiovascular health. But in the elderly it can be a sign of an underlying problem. Chronic low blood pressure is almost never serious. Health problems occur when the blood pressure drops suddenly. Causing dizziness or light-headed and headaches.

The cause of low blood pressure is not always clear. But it maybe associated with the following: pregnancy, under or over active thyroid, diabetes, low blood sugar, overdose of high blood pressure drugs, heart failure, heat stroke or exhaustion, liver disease. A sudden drop in blood pressure can be fatal. Problems associated with hypotension are: loss of blood, high or low body temperature, heart failure, sepsis, severe dehydration.

Doctors routinely prescribe medicines to control your blood pressure. But most patients give them up, within a year. Because they have huge side effects, and some of them are destroying the quality of life. The medicines also cause erectile dysfunction/impotence. Get Natural! Drop Your Blood Pressure Program, is a natural blood pressure cure. That leads you on a path, to new life of good health, good eating. The program works slow and simple over a 12-week period, no drastic change.

To make sure that your body, will function properly for a long time. Start living healthy as soon as possible. By starting now, will help your body fight off symptoms of many illnesses and diseases. Some factors that can lead to an early onset of blood pressure problems include a poor diet. Some diseases are hereditary, and you can still be at risk. By keeping healthy, you are helping your body, to be able to control the symptoms when they onset. Don’t wait until your blood pressure is completely out of control. Break-free from your debilitating blood pressure and invest in your health and happiness now.

Yolanda Jones has been in the medical field for over 25 years. If you are desperate to cure your blood pressure, then you need Get Natural! Drop Your Blood Pressure Program. I guarantee within 7 days your blood pressure symptoms will disappear for good, with this remedy in your medicine cabinet. Learn how to cure your blood pressure here![]

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications