Cayenne Pepper – How to Use Cayenne Pepper For Weight Loss

Some of the herbs like green tea, cinnamon and cayenne pepper have weight loss capabilities. Very few people know how to use these herbs for weight loss. Green tea is used more as a lifestyle habit than a weight loss supplement. Similarly cinnamon and cayenne pepper are more popular as a flavoring agent than a […]

Natural Ways to Cure Hypertension – 3 Key Ingredients to Lower Blood Pressure

Nobody likes having to take pills every day, and even less having to depend on them to live your regular life. In this article I would like to share with you a few things on natural ways to cure hypertension. First of all, you should know that curing hypertension in a natural way IS possible. […]

Vitamins For Hair Regrowth – Which Are Best?

In this article I’m going to talk about vitamins for hair regrowth. Many times when people are starting to lose their hair, they look to get expensive hair loss treatments when all they really had was a deficiency in certain essential vitamins their body needs. Below are descriptions of a few vitamins your body needs […]

Cure Hypertension – Natural Hypertension Remedies

Around the world people are suffering from this horrible symptom we call hypertension. Many people do not know they even have hypertension, as I did. It wasn’t until one day my doctor decided to do a blood pressure check on me as I was constantly having headaches. He then discovered that I had hypertension! My […]

The Best Muscle Building Diet – The Essential Foods For Huge Muscle Growth Revealed!

When you are trying to build muscle there are many things you need to be aware of beyond what they may be telling you in all those muscle magazines. First and foremost, you will never get the same sustainable muscle nutrition from any supplement as you will get from the foods rich in them. Food […]

High Blood Pressure Medicine Solution

High blood pressure or hypertension means high pressure (tension) in the arteries. Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the pumping heart to all the tissues and organs of the body. High blood pressure directly increases the risk of coronary heart disease (which leads to heart attack) and stroke, especially when it’s present with other […]

Learn the facts: Can Diet Pills keep you Lean?

Yes, amazing is it not? Despite the fact that the fitness industry is booming–there are obviously still significant problems in America with people loosing weight and being able to keep it off. Pills alone are obviously not the answer. There are documented facts that state that more than half of American adults are unable to […]

The Causes and Effects of Hypertension

The state of having high blood pressure is also referred to as hypertension. You are a possible candidate for hypertension if your blood pressure is higher than 140/90 mmHg. Hypertension can originate from a lot of things. For one thing, improper diet with increased intake of fatty and high-cholesterol food can cause hypertension. Emotional disturbances […]

Suzy Cohen discusses CoQ10 versus Ubiquinol. The winner is?

Suzy Cohen, America’s Most Trusted Pharmacist. Why statin cholesterol drugs, estrogen-containing drugs, diabetics medications, blood pressure pills and other prescribed medicine STEAL your CoQ10 and Ubiquinol. How that can cause leg cramps, muscle aches, cardiac arrhythmias, fatigue, shortness of breath and many other problems.   Video Rating: 4 / 5