Urinalysis Part 1.mp4

Part 1 of 3 of a somewhat brief introduction to urinalysis for freshman/sophomore pre-nursing students. Individual tests are discussed (specific gravity, pH, leukocytes, protein, glucose, ketones, uroblinogen, bilirubin, blood and hemoglobin). Basic pathologies that can be indicated by comparing the individual tests are also discussed (diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia, hemolysis, liver disease, biliary obstruction, urinary tract […]

Preeclampsia – Pregnancy Induced High Blood Pressure

It is thought that preeclampsia actually begins very early in the pregnancy, before any symptoms appear. The first symptom of preeclampsia is the onset of high blood pressure, usually a reading of 140/90 mm Hg or an increase of 30 mm Hg systolic (top number) and 15 mm Hg diastolic (bottom number) in your normal […]