Pregnancy and High Blood Pressure

Just because a woman has high blood pressure during her pregnancy doesn’t mean that the pregnancy will not proceed as normal and that there won’t be a healthy baby delivered. But the truth is that when a woman’s blood pressure is high during her pregnancy, it can be dangerous for both the mother and the baby. It is also true that those women who are predisposed to high blood pressure or who have pre-existing or chronic high blood pressure are much more likely to have complications than those women that have normal blood pressure.

There is a wide range of possible effects of high blood pressure during pregnancy. High blood pressure can damage the kidneys or other organs of the mother or, the most serious cases, the mother could develop preeclampsia — or “toxemia of pregnancy” — which can threaten the lives of both the mother and the baby.

Preeclampsia usually starts at about the fifth month of pregnancy. Preeclampsia has adverse affects on the placenta, and it can affect the mother’s kidneys, liver, and brain. Preeclampsia can also cause the mother to have seizures. The affects of preeclampsia on the baby can be low birth weight, premature birth, and stillbirth.

There are things that women can do to help prevent the problems caused by high blood pressure during pregnancy. First, if a woman has pre-existing or chronic high blood pressure she should talk to her doctor before becoming pregnant, so that both can assess the risks involved.

During pregnancy, a woman can:

1. Not smoke

2. Control her weight and weight gain

3. Maintain a regular exercise program

4. Limit the intake of salt

5. Get regular prenatal checkups

We all want healthy, full-term, babies. High blood pressure during pregnancy isn’t always a problem, but it can be a problem. Be sure that you see your doctor and take all of the precautions that you can.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Hypertension [] and High Blood Pressure [] and has helped thousands of high blood pressure sufferers lower their score in weeks. For more articles and resources on hypertensions symptoms, cures and natural medications visit his site at:=>[]

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