4 Signs of Diabetes During Pregnancy – Signs of Gestational Diabetes

What are the signs of diabetes during pregnancy? Or what are the typical signs of gestational diabetes? It is a temporary phase of diabetes that effects the pregnant women. According to American Diabetes Association around 21 million children and adults are suffering from diabetes alone in United States. This includes more than 9 million women. […]

Prenatal Vitamins and Hair Growth

There have been isolated reports of pregnant women who, while taking prenatal vitamins, have noticed an increase in their hair growth and thickness. However, there are still no formal scientific studies to confirm that this is actually the case. How is hair growth connected to taking prenatal vitamins? What makes up prenatal vitamins? Because of […]

Importance of Diabetes Testing During Pregnancy

Gestational diabetes is on the rise alarmingly. Recent survey revealed that more than 4% of pregnant women suffer with diabetes, it is for this reason that all pregnant women need to realize the importance of diabetes testing during pregnancy. During pregnancy the receptivity of insulin is reduced due to several hormonal changes in the body. […]

The Importance of Vitamins & Minerals

The body’s biochemical processes need vitamins. In fact vitamins are very essential for the optimum working of these processes. Food has to be converted into energy and the body needs help to manufacture hormones and chemicals needed for the nervous system and blood cells. Only small quantities may be required but these 13 vitamins and […]

All About Gestational Diabetes and Pregnancy

Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that affects pregnant women only. In these specific women, their blood glucose levels are higher than they should normally be. There are a number of reasons why some women develop this disease. Therefore gestational diabetes in pregnancy has to be a concern, if you fall into some of […]

Blood Pressure Medications And Thier Side Effects

Lotrel is an ACE inhibitor and calcium channel blocker that relaxes blood vessels and facilitates better blood flow by widening the blood vessels.As an ACE inhibitor, Lotrel converts enzymes and works to reduce water retention. Blood pressure is also reduced with this medication. Because of side effects Lotrel is only used for hypertension when less […]