Alternative Treatment For High Blood Pressure – A Healing Solution

High blood pressure has the unconscious ability to make life uncomfortable if not monitored or controlled. In most cases, for most people, the disease is solely managed by medication. As there are many contributing factors that may cause high blood pressure, medical experts are concentrating on identifying and promoting the alternative treatment for high blood […]

Dr Whiting on Controlling Inflammation Naturally (CLICK HERE) We are all too familiar with inflammation when it comes to an acute injury such as a sprain. Those suffering from chronic conditions such as arthritis and other joint and connective tissue problems know the very real pain and discomfort from ongoing inflammation. What most of us may not know however, is […]

Food Pyramid Tells Which Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements Are Needed

They teach us the basic food pyramid in school. We learn which foods supply which vitamins minerals and other micro-nutrients and the value of them for good health and how important each is to our growth and development. But by adulthood many of us have forgotten all about that and tend to live off a […]

Bare Minerals Make-Up – It’s All the Rage

The make-up industry has been taken by storm since the influx of a number of natural, mineral based products which revolutionized the industry. With the move by many towards a more ‘organic’ way of living and eating, it’s hardly a surprise that people want to put natural products on their skin instead of some chemically […]

Causes of Sudden High Blood Pressure – The Silent Killer

Depending on your daily activity, your blood pressure constantly changes. Unpredictable causes of sudden high blood pressure can also be related to your mental status or even the time of the day. In most cases, if your blood pressure has been stable for most of your life, a sudden onset of high blood pressure measurements […]