Vitamins For A Fatty Liver Disease Diet – The Controversy

Vitamins for a fatty liver disease diet have been a topic of debate when it comes to the best way to reduce fat in your liver. Some vitamins and minerals are great for the liver in certain quantities, but can be extremely harmful in excess. Others can be beneficial and liver friendly, but they can […]

Lower Blood Pressure Without Drugs – 3 Simple Strategies

You can lower your blood pressure to normal range and improve your overall health, without taking hypertensive drugs, by modifying your diet in 3 simple ways. The first is to substantially reduce your sodium intake; secondly, eat a diet rich in potassium; and finally, cook with herbs, garlic and onions. 1. Reduce Sodium Intake. Although […]

Food List For Diabetics to Eat – Free Diabetic Meal Plan and Diabetic Recipes For Any of You to Try

Having a healthy balanced diet for anyone whether they are diabetic or not should be a priority however with diabetics this is a must have. The recommended daily calories for a person with diabetes is between 1200 – 1800 calories which should consist of 50% carbohydrates 20% protein and 30% fats. This would prove to […]

What Are Lean and Green Meals in the Medifast Diet?

I’ve been on?this diet?for quite a while and often write about my experiences on it.? The other day, someone emailed me and asked “what is the lean and green meal for the medifast diet?”? I’ll answer this question in the following article. Lean And Green Defined: When you’re on the medifast diet, you eat six […]

Type 2 Diabetes – Diabetic Recipes That Are Simple To Prepare

When you have type 2 diabetes it is vital that you manage your disease effectively with a healthy nutritious diet as well as regular exercise each day. The key to managing diabetes is through a good diabetes diet plan. Following are some diabetic recipes that are simple to prepare and can be very beneficial for […]

Reduce High Blood Pressure Safely With Vitamin C

The suspenseful music rises. The darkness comes upon you. A full moon dimly lights the vacant wooded area. You know that a silent killer lives in these dark woods. You hear something. Something or someone is following you. In a cold sweat, you look over your shoulder. The music crescendos into frightful intervals. All you […]

Gestational Diabetes – Diet Plans, Menus and Recipes

Gestational diabetes also known as Gestational Diet Mellitus (GDM) is a condition in which a woman who normally doesn’t have sugar, gets diabetic during her pregnancy. This diabetic condition now occurs widely throughout the world, 5% of all pregnant women have gestational diabetes, and the mother has nothing to worry about her delivery or her […]