Caffeine Causes High Blood Pressure – Right?

First, some interesting facts about caffeine… 1) It’s the most widely consumed psychoactive substance in the world – an estimated 90% of adults in Western countries consume it daily. 2) Small doses of caffeine help reduce pain and speed up the effects of other pain relievers like aspirin by up to 40%. 3) Green tea, […]

Ubiquinol – The Other Half of the CoQ10 Story

Ubiquinol, the reduced form of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), is a recent addition to the supplement offerings of several companies, and one which has generated as much confusion as it has excitement. As a supplement, ubiquinol is fairly new. As a critical part of human metabolism, our knowledge of ubiquinol dates back nearly as far as […]

Auschwitz: The Nazi and the Final Solution (4/5) AUSCHWITZ THE CORRUPTION At the Auschwitz camp, a large amount of wealth was stolen from the Jews. The Goldjuden or Jews of gold were in charge of handling the money, gold, stocks, and jewelry. They subjected the prisoners to an intimate search just before the gas chambers. Jewish women had relationships with SS guards […]

Fighting Hypertension – The Natural Way

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the most common ailments in today’s world. In hypertension, the blood pressure of a person becomes chronically elevated, a condition which may be responsible for causing strokes, heart attacks, heart failure and chronic renal failure. Even a mild case of hypertension can have a lasting effect on […]

Vitamins and Foods For Heart Health; Grapes or Apple Cider?

People have lots of interesting questions about vitamins and foods for heart health. We have received questions about grapes and heart health, apple cider vinegar and heart health and many others. We thought that we could probably cover grapes and apple cider vinegar in this article and we will have more coming soon. It is […]

Five Natural Things You Can Do to Lower Your High Blood Pressure

A few years ago I had a total cholesterol level of around 230 and I was 25 pounds overweight. My doctor told me that if I couldn’t get my cholesterol level down I had to go on medication. The reason was because it could eventually affect my blood pressure. This alarmed me because my father […]

The High Blood Pressure Headache Connection – Truth or Lie?

There is a high blood pressure headache link right? Well, if you believe that then read on – you may be surprised. Generally, most people believe that one of the symptoms of high blood pressure is a persistent headache. However there have been a number of studies that contradict this. Hypertension is known as the […]

Auschwitz: The Nazi and the Final Solution (2/5) AUSCHWITZ THE CORRUPTION At the Auschwitz camp, a large amount of wealth was stolen from the Jews. The Goldjuden or Jews of gold were in charge of handling the money, gold, stocks, and jewelry. They subjected the prisoners to an intimate search just before the gas chambers. Jewish women had relationships with SS guards […]

Diastolic High Blood Pressure Taken Seriously

For blood pressure patients who wonder what those numbers mean when getting BPs, here is an explanation. Two figures are observed when taking blood pressures (e.g. 140/90). 140 stands for systolic pressure, 90 is the diastolic pressure. A normal systolic pressure should not exceed 140, and a normal diastolic pressure is no more than 90. […]

Diabetes Diabetic Diet Low Carb Helps Reduce Blood Pressure

For the type 2 diabetic keeping blood pressures under control is a vital part of their diet plan. In recent studies researchers evaluated how a high carbohydrate and high monounsaturated fat diet affected the blood pressure in patients with type 2 diabetes. After 14 weeks they found that those eating the high carb diet had […]