High Diastolic Blood Pressure – Facts About Diastolic High Blood Pressure

In medical circles, high diastolic blood pressure level is defined as the above-normal blood pressure exerted by the heart and, consequently, by the blood on the arterial walls, between resting periods. You may be confused with such a technical definition but the diastolic level is the second number provided for in a blood pressure reading. […]

Low Blood Pressure Symptoms

Controlling high blood pressure reduces the risk for heart attacks and death from other cardiovascular disease. Extreme low blood pressure, however, can be hazardous–even deadly. Scientists add that although higher death rates among those with low blood pressure may be due to other causes, cardiac deaths were particularly high in untreated patients with low diastolic […]

Natural Diabetes Cures – Is There Really a Cure?

First, I want to walk you through some facts that you may or may not know about diabetes. If left untreated, diabetes can result in many complications including heart disease, kidney disease, eye disease, impotence, and nerve damage. The first step in preventing or delaying the onset of these complications is to recognize these risk […]

Intracranial Hypertension My IH Journey

Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH), sometimes called by the older names Benign Intracranial Hypertension (BIH) or Pseudotumor Cerebri (PTC), a neurological disorder that is characterized by increased intracranial pressure (pressure around the brain) in the absence of a tumor or other diseases. The main symptoms are painful headaches, nausea and vomiting, as well as pulsatile tinnitus […]

High Blood Pressure – Natural Remedies Or Prescribed Drugs?

Should you consider natural remedies or prescribed drugs for treating high blood pressure? I have heard many reviews about the effects that natural remedies have on hypertension, but the question is will it work over prescribed drugs? Drugs When it comes to prescribed drugs – there are about 4 classes of drugs normally prescribed for […]

The Truth About Uncontrolled Hypertension

Uncontrolled hypertension is a situation whereby high blood pressure of the body is left untreated or uncontrolled (140/90 mm Hg or above). Researches have shown that more than 75 percent of patients with hypertension in the United States of America do not take the necessary steps to control their blood pressure. Hypertension if not controlled […]

Pediatric Hypertension–Journey into why the National Pediatric Blood Pressure Awareness was founded

Please take a few minutes to visit www.bloodpressure4kids.org. An estimated 2 million children are walking around right now with undiagnosed hypertension (high blood pressure.) It could be your child. In children, this is typically an indicator of a serious underlying cause. Causes such as kidney or cardiac issues among other things. These can all be […]

Shining Skull Breath (2)- Kapalabhati

Cick for DVD – bit.ly 7 great classes for .95 yogayak.com Ianna will guide you through this pranayama which creates a bellows style action in the chest and abdomen that is both purifying and energizing. Duration 8 min Benefits:invigorating, purifying, energizing, increases lung capacity, tones abdominals Contraindications: do not perform this pranayama if you are […]