High Diastolic Blood Pressure – Facts About Diastolic High Blood Pressure

In medical circles, high diastolic blood pressure level is defined as the above-normal blood pressure exerted by the heart and, consequently, by the blood on the arterial walls, between resting periods. You may be confused with such a technical definition but the diastolic level is the second number provided for in a blood pressure reading. For example, if you are told that your hypertension level is 120/80, the number 80 is your diastolic reading.

Take note that 120/80 mm-Hg reading is considered the standard for a healthy hypertension level. Any number higher than 120 for systolic and 80 for diastolic is considered potentially hypertensive. As an example, a high diastolic blood pressure level of 90-99 is considered Stage 1 hypertension if the systolic level is at 140 to 159 mm-Hg. For diastolic readings of 100 mm-Hg or higher, you now have Stage 2 hypertension.

But don’t immediately fall into despair should your diastolic reading reach 90 mm-Hg as these numbers can vary within the day. In fact, hypertension level are highly volatile so much so that happy news and sad news can affect them. Exercise, stress and diet also temporarily affect hypertension level.

So, when you have a high diastolic blood pressure level for a single reading, you can relax and put it into perspective. You may have just been through a stressful period in life that raised your hypertension readings. Besides, hypertension develops over time, not within a single day.

If you are afraid that you may be at risk for hypertension because of successive high diastolic blood pressure readings, your best bet is to seek your doctor’s opinion first. You need not worry yourself too much. There may be factors causing such readings, which may or may not be readily resolved. But until then, keep your cool.

Seeking medical consultation is a highly recommended step in successive high diastolic hypertension level readings for another reason. When it is left untreated, you can suffer from health risks including stroke, heart attacks, neurological disorders and renal complications. You definitely want to avoid these illnesses by seeking treatment as soon as possible.

You may ask for a definitive diagnosis from the doctor but we do suggest that natural methods be used for various reasons. We can mention the affordability, efficacy and safety of natural treatments for high diastolic blood pressure level. If you want to Learn Exactly How To STOP High Blood Pressure And Eliminate Your Risk Of A Heart Attack Or Stroke, In Just A Few Short Days, Using A Step By Step Natural Home Remedy – With No Worry, No Wasted Money, No Pain, and No Harmful Drugs… check out http://www.bloodpressurenormalised.info

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