The Importance of Vitamins And Their Roles In Our Body

Vitamins are compounds found in certain food which are vital to our health and longevity. Our body needs them for growth, function, energy, tissue repair and waste removal. There are two categories of vitamins: water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins B and C, need to be included in our daily diet as […]

Managing Seasonal Allergies With Vitamins and Supplements

Seasonal allergy sufferers may find themselves taking antihistamines, using allergy nasal sprays and even asthma inhalers quite frequently. Many people have become concerned about taking so many medications during allergy season that they are starting to look for more natural alternatives. This is especially true for allergy sufferers who are tired of the side effects […]

Vitamins For Hair Loss – Restore Your Hair and Scalp Naturally

Did you know that simple vitamins may hold the key to your quest for reducing hair loss? Stop or reverse hair loss and restore healthy hair by providing the specific proper nutrients, minerals and vitamins necessary to increase healthy hair growth and prevent overall hair loss over time. Learn more about which specific vitamins for […]

Vitamins and Minerals, What You Need to Know Now

If you are like most people, I am sure you have heard…”Don’t forget to take your vitamins” or “eat your vegetables or salad…they are loaded with vitamins and minerals. But what exactly are vitamins and minerals? How do they benefit us? Are they something to be concerned with? Vitamins and minerals are substances that are […]

Do We Really Need to Take Vitamins for Our Health?

Vitamins got their name because they are “vital to life,” meaning that if you are completely deprived of them for a long period of time, you become sick. One hundred years ago many of our forefathers did suffer from malnutrition. That was an age of under-nutrition. Americans are now living in an age of over-nutrition […]

Building Muscle Power Through Vitamins and Minerals

The muscles of the body actually depend heavily on the vitamins, minerals as well as on the other nutrients that we take in so as to ensure that they’re always well taken care of. Consciously taking care of your body through the proper exercise, a well-balanced diet and a stress-free mind all contribute greatly towards […]

Vitamins, The Difference Between Pharmaceutical Grade Vitamins vs Regular

Vitamins are necessary for human life and health. They are required in minute amounts, and with the exception of Vitamin B12, cannot be manufactured in your bodies. These organic compounds need to be obtained from diet, and if deprived of a particular vitamin, you will suffer from disease specific to that vitamin. It is a […]