The Sona Study

If you have not read The SONA Study, I can certainly understand why. It is 49,000 pages long and took 15 years to complete. The next logical question would be, ” What is it, and why should I care?” The Sona Study is the longest running study to determine the level of nutrients that the body needs daily in order to obtain optimal health, and in the case of the 15 year study, remain disease free. Without recreating the 49,000 pages, I will share some of the highlights.

Through the years, the medical industry and the US Government have acknowledged that there are essential nutrients that the body must have and can not make on its own. It is why the RDA (Recommended Daily Dietary Allowance) has been revised upwards of ten times since it was created by the National Academy of Sciences in 1941. It was originally created to prevent scurvy (vitamin C deficiency), beriberi (deficiency of thiamine), and pellagra (deficiency of niacin). However, as we have learned through ongoing studies, the RDA is still inadequate. It was developed from six month to nine month studies which are much too short of a window into the human life cycle to be accurate.

The RDA does not address all the toxins, stress, alcohol consumption, use of tobacco or prescription drugs, and the depletion of nutrients these all cause. Just as a quick example; any smoker is going to show an additional need for vitamin C, beta-carotene, zinc, vitamin B6, and vitamin E. Studies have shown these deficiencies can lead to many of the complications that smokers are prone to have. At some point, the RDA again will be revised upward since none of these depletions are accounted for.

There needed to be a long-running study, involving thousands of people, that was so extensive and detailed that the level of nutrients required to be healthy over one’s lifetime and provide a better quality of life. Funded by the U.S. Senate, the University of Alabama School of Medicine took on the 15-year multimillion dollar project. Drs Cheraskin and Ringdorf were the senior investigators that covered 6 various regions of the United States. Many of the findings and articles on various minerals, amino acids, essential oils and vitamins published over the past 20 years have come as a result of this ground breaking study. The study was going to finally determine how many essential nutrients there are and how much of each does the human body need daily.

The study’s basic goal was to find the ideal daily consumption of each nutrient to determine the optimum amount a person should have to maintain health. Let’s just take a look at one vitamin as an example. We will take a look at the well known vitamin C. The average daily intake of the healthiest, disease-free participants was 410 mg per day. Compare that to the 90 mg a day for the RDA and you see the huge discrepancy.

In addition, to validate the effects of this one vitamin, 33 clinical studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the higher the intake of vitamin C above the RDA, the more significant the protection against cancer. Smoking depletes vitamin C, along with other nutrients that leave the body defenseless. One can therefore understand why smokers make up some 95% of lung cancer patients. Taking a vitamin based on the SONA study makes a lot of sense. It is far superior than the RDA and the nutrients are in the correct amounts to maintain health.

In 2002, after decades of anti-vitamin policies, the American Medical Association finally chose to recommend daily multi-vitamins. This may open the door so that over time doctors will have more training on nutrition. After nearly 100 years of knowing how important the essential nutrients are, perhaps the medical practioners are close to recognizing that you simply cannot be healthy without proper nutrition, vitamins, minerals, essential oils and amino acids, in the right ratios. It just is not possible.

The SONA Study has given us the tools we need to make wise decisions. Let’s take a quick look at the basic requirements.

Consider that the RDA represents the “minimum wage” (which you really can’t survive on) for your health. The SONA Study represents the only nutritional guideline backed by science to provide real HEALTH over your lifetime. There are less then 50 essential nutrients that you must have and the body can +not make. They consist of 23 minerals, 13 vitamins, 8 essential amino acids (10 for children: 11 for premature infants), and 2 essential oils. The SONA, SONA Rx (for athletes and ages over 50), and SONA Prenatal are the only vitamin/mineral/enzyme formula based on the SONA study. They are combined in the right ratios with micro-nutrients in a chelated tablet for maximum absorption. They are taken throughout the day so you have a steady stream of nutrients as your body needs.

Taking the SONA Vitamin along with an Omega 3-6-9 formula made with Primrose Oil, combined with a healthy diet of natural foods, pure water, and exercise is the right way to live a long and healthy life or transcend out of a life of ill-health. The best pricing I have found on these two items for a quality product is at an online retailer although you may find them from a quality dealer (accept no substitute). Try I found a code – omega369 – you can plug in to get the essential oils for free when you buy either the SONA Rx or the SONA Prenatal. This is an unbeatable offer on the best products for you life long health.

Take charge of your life and get healthy!

Mark Schumacher, a former pre med student and EMT, is a health advocate and currently teaches and trains young athletes. He is also a 2 time National Black Belt Taekwondo Champion and at he age of 57 still trains and competes against men 20 years his junior.He owns a health supplement company and is a big believer in education along with diet, exercise, and proper supplementation to enjoy optimal health. His wife’s grandmother is 106 and still going strong. His own mother is 87 and walks every day and takes the 50 essential nutrients that he recommends daily.To read about the sona study go to the site below.[]If you have questions on supplementation you can reach him at

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