Tips For Lowering High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a major risk factor which often leads to a heart attack or a stroke. Many adults suffer from hypertension without being aware of it, it is estimated one in three people have hypertension. Hypertension is called the “silent killer” because there are no outward symptoms, no signs that that you are over stressed or overworked then next thing you know stroke or heart attack.

Hypertension is often caused by many factors which can include too much stress, poor diet, lack of physical activity, smoking or drinking too much alcohol. It is possible to lower your blood pressure naturally, but make regular check ups with your doctor so they can monitor your hypertension.

It is a high priority that hypertension is detected early and treated in time so a heart attack or stroke can be prevented. Medications can be used to treat high blood pressure; however medication does not remove the cause. The following tips can help you eliminate the cause of hypertension:

1)Reduce your salt and sugar intake; Both raise blood pressure and also have a catalytic effect on each other, so reduce them both.
2)Utilize food products that have a beneficial effect on blood pressure; extra virgin olive oil, dark chocolate, green tea, and reduce caffeine such as soda and coffee. That triple shot espresso may get you going in the morning, but the negative health effects aren’t worth it.
3)Reduce your red meat consumption; A diet low in red meat, with more lean meat with fresh fruits and vegetables has a measurable benefit in lowering blood pressure.
4)Become more active/exercise more; Exercise and physical activity is the best thing you can do for your high blood pressure. Taking extra steps to get healthy is doctor recommended. Light cardio opens up the blood vessels which reduces the pressure inside your veins. 30 minutes of exercise a day. A two mile walk, use the stairs not the elevator, and even parking the car further away and walking to your destination adds a few minutes of walking time, there are plenty of opportunities you can take to increase physical activity which will benefit you by reducing hypertension.

These tips are easier to shallow than the home remedy of a table spoon of Cayenne pepper in a cup of hot water. So take your medication, adjust your diet, exercise and monitor yourself regularly. Even that free screening station at the local pharmacy is a good way to get an idea of where your blood pressure is at.

Ken Thompson {AKA Wyildcard} a 39 year guy who has embarked upon a journey of health and fitness! At one time had an elevated blood pressure of 165 over 125. With exercise and proper nutrition he was able to eliminate the causes of hyper tension in his life. There is the old adage “We Never Journey Alone” and this rings true in health and fitness. Ask yourself; Are you ready to Bring it!If you have questions, want more information or are ready to take the next step in your health and fitness Contact Me so I can be there to help.

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