Vitamins For Women’s Hair Loss

Most female hair loss, shedding and thinning is temporary, caused by hormonal changes, medication, stress, or scalp problem. Overall reduction in nutrition slows and shortens the Anagen follicle growth phase and leads to accelerated thinning. Supplements formulated for follicle root development and growth can reduce or reverse loss and help make your hair thicker and shinier.

Most women are affected at some stage in their lives by stress, pregnancy, menopause and childbirth – all associated with hormonal imbalances. These issues, combined with pollution and environmental damage, poor nutrition, and chemical treatments all contribute to bouts of shedding or thinning – most temporary.

Avoid Treatments

Since women tend to be quite adventurous in matters relating to their hair, they subject themselves to innumerable processes such as perming, straightening, dying, streaking, blow drying, ironing and so on. These invariably involve the use of intense heat and strong chemicals which damage the follicle shaft and dry the scalp – resulting in dryness, itchiness, increased breaking.

What about Hormonal Changes?

When female loss and thinning is aggravated by hormonal imbalances it is necessary to consult a doctor. Hormonal treatment combined with a healthy diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish and legumes and dairy products will help to start the healing process. Taking dietary supplements that add a broad complex of amino acids and minerals can improve strength, restore growth and help replace nutrition lost due to therapy or natural changes.

The Best Supplements

Vitamins for women’s hair loss should include some essential nutrients such as Niacin, Panthonenic Acid, Vitamin B12, Manganese Gluconate, Iodine, Biotin, Folic Acid, Chlorophyll, Cystine, Zinc Oxide, L-Isoleucine, L-Arginine, L-Histidine, L-Leucine, L-Methionine, L-Lysine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Tryptophan, L-Threonine, L-Aspartic Acid, L-Valine, L-Serine, L_Glutamic Acid, L-Glycin, L-Proline, L-Tyrosine and L-Alanine.

A Vitamin B12 supplement compensates for mineral deficiencies and will help to strengthen, encourage the re-growth, decrease fall and shedding, and add bounce and body. Enzymes such as Chlorophyll help repair and replenish the cells.

Amino acids and Cystine contribute to follicle and scalp health. All these vitamins, amino acids and minerals form part of the supplements of vitamins for women’s hair loss which will result in the emergence of thick, shining, healthy growth.

Shop online at HairEnergizer for the most popular and effective Women’s Hair VitaminsHairEnergizer is a leading U.S. manufacturer of hair growth products – hair vitamins, follicle stimulators, DHT blockers, and Hair Loss Products

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