Vitamins – How to Slow Or Stop Your Hair Loss With Vitamins

Hair is a body tissue, although characterised as “non-living”. Your hair is made from keratin, the same material as your fingernails and toenails. Healthy hair requires plenty of nutrient-rich blood to the scalp, so that hair follicles can produce enough strong hair sprouts.

Everyone loses hair, up to about a hundred strands a day, but hair loss can be increased if your hair becomes dry or brittle or stops growing back. Dandruff can also be a problem if you have excessive flaking of the scalp.

Nothing can guarantee a full head of hair, some vitamins and supplements may help your hair be stronger and healthier by nourishing your scalp and hair roots. The primary supplements you should think about including are those with essential fatty acids (EFAs). For instance, Flaxseed oil can help if your hair tends to be dry or lifeless, and can cut down on dandruff us well.

Evening Primrose Oil will help moisturise your hair and scalp. Zinc can also promote healthy hair and slow hair loss. Zinc should always be taken with Copper to balance body systems, and Copper itself can help maintain the melanin or pigment in hair, potentially slowing greying of your hair.

Biotin and the Vitamin B complex can help strengthen your hair, condition your scalp and prevent excessive hair loss. If you have been losing hair because of a biotin deficiency, then taking some biotin may actually help reverse some hair loss.

Selenium is thought to foster healthy hair growth, and PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) may protect hair follicles and prevent some hair loss.

A really good multivitamin may include all the above vitamins and minerals, so check the side of the bottle if you are currently taking supplements, or about to purchase a multivitamin at a supermarket of health-food store.

Eating sensibly can also help, as can a regular scalp massage once a week. Scalp massage, especially if you use a little warmed Evening Primrose Oil will stimulate blood flow and help relieve stress which can itself contribute to hair loss.

Hair is very sensitive to vitamin or mineral deficiencies or imbalances. As well as the above, our article points out the particular importance of Vitamin A and Folic Acid for hair growth.Since being healthy generally can help you retain hair and slow hair loss visit for general health and vitamin supplement information and free articles today.

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