Vitamins in Food VS Supplements

This article examines the pros and cons of vitamins as a food source, and vitamins as a supplement source.

To make it more interesting, I have wrote it in the scenario of a boxing match.

OK, let’s get this fight underway!

In the blue corner, we have the fruits and veggies representing the vitamins in food. This fighter has a record that has earned him the title as the best source of vitamins for many years. Made up of excellent fruits and vegetables, many people feel it is the one and only source of quality vitamins, and will never be replaced.

In the red corner, the young and powerful multivitamin supplement. It comes into this contest with an undefeated record. Her last two wins were quite impressive and she continues to improve as time goes by.

Round 1: Vitamins in food

The fact is, in today’s fast paced world, many of us are not getting enough of our vitamins through our diet because we aren’t eating enough vitamin enriched food. It’s that simple. Skipping meals, coffee and a muffin, burgers at fast food restaurants are all poor sources of nutrition.

Not only do these foods not contain any vitamins, they contain other harmful ingredients like trans fats and sugars. This is why degenerative diseases are killing more people today than ever before. It’s all due to poor nutrition.

And even when we do get those fruits and veggies, their nutritional value in terms of vitamins and other essential nutrients is not what it once was.

Round 2, 3, 4: Consistency, convenience and customization of supplements

The first part of convenience involves taking the supplements. It’s pretty straightforward. Swallow them down with your meals.

The second part has to do with shopping

Here’s how it works. You find a good quality product, create a preferred customer account, and receive your vitamins every month. When you shop for vitamins this way, you never have to worry about them again. Every month your vitamins arrive at your doorstep like clockwork. Vitamins in food just can’t compete with this advantage.

Bottom line, you need your vitamins coming to you. It’s much more convenient, and convenience makes our lives better!

Consistency is key to everything involving your health, especially when it comes to vitamins. We saw in the first round that vitamins in food took a beating because we just don’t get them regularly through this source. You probably don’t eat enough vitamin enriched food, and fruits and veggies don’t contain as many vitamins as they once did.

When vitamins arrive at your doorstep every month it makes consistency a breeze. All you have to do is take them with your breakfast and dinner.

Everyone has a unique health profile. Health supplements let you customize your nutritional program to meet your individual needs. We all have individual nutritional needs, and these change as we progress through life.

Depending on your lifestyle, you might be more in need of a specific nutrient. Supplements help you get exactly what you’re looking for.

It’s a miracle that the vitamins in food made it through those last three rounds. The multivitamin gave them a beating and the crowd can’t believe that the fight isn’t over.

Round 5: Bad Supplements

Not all supplements are created equally. There are a lot of bad supplements on the market today. When it comes to your health, don’t sell yourself to the lowest bidder.

For many products, you get what you pay for. As the price goes up, the quality usually follows. This isn’t true for all products, but it certainly applies to some. Now, I not saying to go out and buy the most expensive supplement.

But here’s the thing with low cost vitamins. Think about a big department store. They usually have a store motto of something like: Lowest Prices Everyday. Something along those lines.

Well if a supplement companies wants to sell their products through these big department stores, they’re going to have to distribute their products at a low price. If Wal-Mart for example wants to sell your vitamins for 10 dollars a box, what price do you have to make them at to earn a profit.

To sell vitamins at a low cost, you need to cut costs somewhere in your manufacturing. A 10 dollar box of vitamins is not going to have top of the line ingredients. It simple can’t afford to. All the distribution costs and fees require a vitamin company to cut costs. This usually happens at the manufacturing level.

They earn a profit, spend it on advertising and you get stuck with a pill that doesn’t work.

Unfortunately this does happen. There are bad products on the market that you need to watch out for. Big discount vitamins are a waste of your money.

Round 5 is won by the vitamins in food.

Round 6: There are high quality products

The supplements certainly slipped up in that round. Let’s see if they can bounce back.

Not every supplement is bad.

There are some good quality products. These are the things you should look out for:

Potency Guarantee
3rd Party Approval
High Quality Manufacturing

If you find a supplement that meets these 3 things, it will be a much better vitamin source than food.

These are the key requirements you should look out for. Once you find them, you’re on the road to reaching an optimal level of health. If you need help find a product that meets those requirements, feel free to contact me personally.

And with that, the supplements throw the last punch and knock the vitamins in food flat on the floor.

The bottom line is that supplements do provide you the best source of vitamins. However there are other things that come into play. Most people’s diets will require some form of supplementation to maintain all the vitamin levels to live an optimal healthy lifestyle. Even those eating 5 servings of fruits and veggies might not get enough vitamins into their system.

Secondly, some vitamins are a waste. Don’t buy cheap vitamins. Supplements only surpass food as a better source if you are taking a high quality product.

If you need more information on vitamins in food you can check out my website.
I hope this article helps!Tyler Stokes

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