Weight Loss Cleanse: Maple Syrup and Cayenne Pepper, Anyone?

When a famous person gets ready for a role, they sometimes have to use some pretty extreme methods. Unfortunately, those extreme methods eventually get leaked into the media and everyone thinks they can and should use the same types of things to lose weight as well. But, what the average person fails to realize is that the entertainer had a whole team of people helping them lose the weight in addition to the crazy thing they had reportedly done.

Such was the case of the weight loss cleanse, the one with the horrible concoction that you drank several times a day instead of eating and could lose a ton of weight on. Several famous women used the drink and they did lose weight, but if you ask them now if they would do it again they say no and if you asked them then how they felt they would have said miserable.

This particular weight loss cleanse starts with pure maple syrup, not the stuff that you put on pancakes and then adds in other ingredients, depending on who you get the recipe from. Some says just cayenne pepper powder while others also add in lemon juice. Regardless, the result is a bad tasting cup of stuff that may start working immediately because the majority of people cannot drink it without throwing it back up.

Of course, there are a number of other weight loss cleanse plans that include eating nothing but cabbage soup for a week, nothing but apple juice for a few days and the hot water and lemon fasting cleanse. The problem is that you are not actually losing fat weight, only water weight plus you could be destroying your metabolism while you are doing so. The more that you slash calories, the more the body will panic and hold onto everything that it can.

A gentle juice based, weight loss cleanse can be effective as long as you don’t try to follow it for too long and immediately start a healthy, calorie reduced diet after you finish the juice fast.

However, even with the slightly healthier option of the juices, you could still be setting yourself up for some serious health issues, so always proceed with great caution. Never use a weight loss cleanse if you have health problems, especially if you are a diabetic or have heart related conditions.

Try A Weight Loss Cleanse At Strip That Fat you will be taught about healthy eating and exercise you can do for the long-term.

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