3 Simple Home Remedies For Hypertension

Over 1 in 4 Americans over 40 years old receive the same diagnosis every year. Hypertension. The statistics confirm that you are not alone. Just ask four friends if they have high blood pressure. Are they on medication? How do they feel? Does the medication solve the high blood pressure problem? Most importantly, how will you approach this problem?

Following a diagnosis of mild hypertension, your doctor will usually begin with three recommendations to reduce the blood pressure. Three simple home remedies for hypertension that can bring positive results in only a few weeks. If you follow the directions.

The first recommendation usually involves reduction of dietary salt intake. High salt in the diet contributes to excess water weight in the body which raises the blood pressure. Compare the blood vessels to a garden hose. A garden hose with too much water pressure can balloon and burst under pressure. The same principle applies to salty foods. Salty foods cause the body to retain more water which means more pressure on the blood vessels which contributes to high blood pressure.

So, a low-salt diet is the first recommendation made by doctors to reduce high blood pressure. What does a low-salt diet mean? Usually a low-salt diet includes at most about 2,300 milligrams of salt or one average teaspoonful. Most processed foods and restaurant foods contain high amounts of salt. For instance, a frozen turkey dinner (extra large size) can contain as much as 5,400 milligrams of sodium. Compare that to a restaurants extra large sized breakfast of pancakes, sausage, and eggs which can contain about 4,400 milligrams of sodium and you can understand where the cause of the high blood pressure problem begins.

The next recommendation for you will be to increase exercise levels. That’s right. Moderate exercise will strengthen the heart and cardiovascular system as well as reduce blood pressure. So put down that remote control and go outside for a leisurely stroll after dinner. For those with knee or hip problems, you might consider bicycling or swimming. There is no one right exercise for everyone. For those who like variety, choose a variety of exercises like rowing, bowling, skiing, skating or jumping rope.

Whenever possible, exercise outdoors to increase exposure to sunlight. Adequate exposure to sunlight is one of the best natural home remedies for hypertension. All that sun exposure increases the Vitamin D produced by your body which boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure and reduces heart attacks and strokes.

Even though exposure to sunlight is important for healthy Vitamin D levels, remember that sunburned skin, is not healthy. On the other side of the issue is the use of sunscreen products. Strong sunscreens can block the healthy as well as unhealthy effects of the sun and reduce the levels of Vitamin D in the body. Try for a happy medium when exercising outdoors.

The final recommendation to reduce high blood pressure is to reduce stress. We all have stress. How you handle stress in your life will impact your health. Using positive stress reducers like exercise, yoga, tai chi, music, aromatherapy, building relationships, meditating, or prioritizing your life for less stressful schedules can all relieve the pressure.

These three simple home remedies for hypertension will provide relief for many borderline hypertensives. For those that need more help, there are more than 25 other nutritional supplements, dietary recommendations and mineral based hypertension home remedies that can successfully solve the problem.

Jacquelin Ulm has spent over 30 years as a Pharmacist. She invites you to discover more Home Remedies for Hypertension. For a free 7-part Mini-course on “Remedies for High Blood Pressure” go here: http://www.MyPharmacistSaysBP.com

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