High Blood Pressure vs. Garlic

Milk protein may be the answer to lowering high blood pressure in some people; however, it isn’t the only alternative. In fact, did you know that making something as natural as eating garlic apart of your regular diet can actually reduce blood pressure and help you manage your hypertension?

Garlic is a vegetable that is extremely beneficial to the heart and the entire cardiovascular system. It is considered to be a natural remedy for high blood pressure that has significant, positive effects when made part of a daily diet. Studies have found that by eating a single small garlic clove per day, a person can effectively manage their hypertension.

In fact some clinical studies have found garlic to decrease the systolic blood pressure by as much as 20 mm Hg to 30 mm Hg, and the diastolic blood pressure by as much as 10 mm Hg to 20 mm Hg in participants.

For instance, one 12 week study concluded that participants with high blood pressure who ingested a single clove of garlic per day had significant reductions in their systolic and diastolic blood pressure by the end of the study.

In addition, studies have also been conducted on testing the effectiveness of garlic powder taken in the form of a supplement for controlling blood pressure. These studies also found a significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in participants who suffered from mild hypertension.

How does garlic lower blood pressure? It is believed that garlic can effectively lower blood pressure because it reduces spasms that occur in the small arteries. It also slows the pulse rate and modifies the rhythm of the heart. In addition, garlic can relieve gas in the digestive tract, numbness, dizziness and shortness of breath. Thus, garlic has been used as a herbal remedy as an effective method for treating various health problems aside form hypertension including infection, inflammation and heart disease.

Moreover, research has found that there are three chemicals found in garlic that are exceptionally helpful in treating high blood pressure. These chemicals are alliin, allinase, and allicin, and are particular effective for improving blood circulation.

How can you add garlic to your daily diet to manage your blood pressure? The following are two recommendations:

1. Eat fresh raw garlic cloves – you can eat a single raw clove of garlic per day with a meal or by itself. You don’t need to eat an exceptionally large clove, a small one should suffice. Just make sure the clove is fresh, as dried garlic no longer contains the properties that are beneficial for health.

2. Take garlic supplements in capsule form – This is often the preferred method, as most people don’t enjoy chewing on a raw piece of garlic. Herbalists recommend taking 300mgs of garlic capsule supplements three times daily (I.E. 3 capsules per day). Note: Be sure to read the instructions on the back of supplements before taking them.

If you decide to take garlic supplements, keep in mind that you should only do so under the supervision of a health practitioner. The reason is because garlic can thin the blood and can interact with other drugs and supplements that are prescribed for blood thinning such as Trental (pentoxifylline) and Coumadin (warfarin), aspirin, gingko, and vitamin E. Furthermore, it is often recommended that those who will be undergoing surgery should stop taking garlic as treatment a few weeks before and after surgery.

If you think garlic is a remedy you would like to try as treatment for managing your high blood pressure, be sure to talk to your doctor first for recommendations.

By Paul Johnson. Sign up for a free newsletter & discover proven natural methods to help you lower blood pressure naturally. On the site you’ll also find more about suitable hypertension exercise and the most common sign and symptom of hypertension.

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