Barefoot Running And Blisters 6 Things You Can Do The good news is, most of the blisters you get with shoes will not happen when you are barefoot running. The reason for this is, most shoe-running blisters occur where the shoe is rubbing on your foot, and that simply can’t happen with barefoot running! The bad news is, you will still get blisters when barefoot running, but only on the bottoms of your feet. The kinds of blisters you can get on the soles of your feet when barefoot running vary from small, white blisters, to big, red blood blisters; to the ugliest blister of all big blood blisters that are actually underneath the thick pads or calluses on your feet. The most important thing to remember is you want to minimize the number of blisters you get barefoot running in the first place. Here are some ways to minimize the blisters that you get from barefoot running: 1. Lift your feet cleanly up and down. Blisters are a result of friction, so as you are barefoot running you want to place your foot so as not to create friction. You need to concentrate on lifting your foot (from the knee, not by pushing off) cleanly up and and down. Don’t let your foot drag along the pavement when it lands, and don’t let it push off from the ground while barefoot running either. 2. Keep the pressure off your toes. Some people have a tendency to put too much weight on their toes and the inside of their foot when barefoot running, and this can create big blisters especially on the big toes. The correction for this
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