Diabetic Eye Disease – How to Prevent and Treat Retinopathy

High blood sugar from diabetes can damage the retina of the eye and this is called diabetic retinophy. This is a medical term for the damage caused to the retina by tiny blood vessels at the back of the eye bursting.

This damage to he retina happens slowly from having high blood sugar and high blood pressure. At first they swell and weaken and can break and leak blood into the vitreous part of the eye. That’s the jelly-like fluid in the eye.

This may cause floating spots or almost total darkness. Sometimes the blood will clear up by its self or sometimes surgery can remove it.

It is important to get your eyes examined because the weakened and swollen blood vessels can form scar tissue and pull the retina from the back of the eye.

Seeing floating spots or flashing lights is the signel to call your doctor right away. Ignoring this could leave you partially or totally blind.

What you can do to fight this risk from diabetes is to carefully watch your blood glucose level daily. Follow your diet and make sure you eat colorful fruits and vegetables.

Bilberry extract is closely related to blueberries and is very good for the eyes. Garlic is also an excellent food that lowers blood pressure with no side effects.

Of course exercise is important to keep your circulation healthy. A good diet along with exercise are the two things that you have complete control over and they are the most important to prevent and treat diabetes.

You may want to try yoga or tai-chi to relax. This will also help lower your blood pressure. Checking your blood pressure every day has been shown to actually lower it.

To learn more about the control of diabetes, visit ourDiabetic Help Page.

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