Do Diuretics Cause Diabetes?

Diuretics are often prescribed for eliminating excess fluid as a means to lower blood pressure – they are also used to reduce the swelling in hands and feet (edema).

There are two things wrong with that.

1. Dehydration is very dangerous, and chemical diuretics flush out more fluid than you can afford to lose.

2. Diuretics flush out more than water – they flush out no less than 16 essential vitamins and minerals.

These happen to be the very vitamins and minerals that your body requires to maintain a healthy blood pressure. In addition, deficiencies in these vitamins and minerals will make other diseases worse.

For instance, a deficiency of Manganese can produce high cholesterol, high blood pressure, rapid pulse, tremors, and pancreatic damage. A deficiency of zinc can cause high cholesterol, decrease the immune system, and give you a propensity to diabetes. And that’s just two. Each and every vitamin that chemical diuretics flush out is essential to your health.

For every action there is a reaction.

The health & fitness column in the local newspaper recently carried a question from a gentleman who has had high blood pressure for years, and recently his doctor changed his medication and put him on diuretics. The result: High blood glucose.

The doctor answered that diuretics like HCTZ (hydrochlorothiazide) can raise blood sugar and trigger diabetes in some people. They can also raise uric acid levels and bring on a gout attack.

He remarked that Atenolol, which this man had been prescribed, is a controversial treatment because of questions about its effectiveness.

My own research indicates that the damage from diuretics can be even more far-reaching. They can, among other things, RAISE your blood pressure to dangerous levels. In addition, they can bring about the edema that they are designed to reduce.

Many doctors tell their patients to reduce the amount of water and other fluids that they take in. This is a mistake that can be deadly. First, dehydration leads to a whole host of other ailments that you don’t need. (But hey, you can get a pill for them!) Second, it turns out that water is the best diuretic of all – because part of the reason why your body wants to retain water is dehydration. Some would also tell you to eliminate salt – another mistake.

Dr. David Tanton, in “A Drug-Free Approach to Healthcare,” advises that the best way to reduce edema and control blood sugar levels is to help your body flush out the toxins. In his book he explains why he recommends drinking ten 8-ounce glasses of water daily, along with 1 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt.

Other natural healers agree, because water and Celtic sea salt will keep your blood and kidneys clean, and maintain the oxygen levels in your heart and other vital organs.?

Marte Cliff is a freelance copywriter who writes for natural health companies. She also publishes a natural health website and blog at http://www.pharmfreehealth.comThis site presents natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals, health warnings, news about health-giving foods, and more. Readers are invited to add their comments, experiences, and natural health advice on the blog posts.

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