HCG Diet – Where’s the Beef?

Dr. ATW Simeons’ revolutionary HCG diet is notoriously strict on the amounts and types of food you can eat. One of the allowed meats is beef–probably the most controversial food item in the HCG diet plan, because not just any beef will do. Whether you’re taking oral HCG weight loss drops or shots, this article will help you figure out what the deal is with beef.

On the HCG diet, you are allowed two 3 1/2 ounce servings of meat per day, and it must be trimmed of all visible fat before weighing and cooking. Meat is important to the HCG diet because it provides the protein your body needs to maintain muscle while on the ultra-low-calorie diet. In addition, skipping or reducing your protein servings may cause you to start retaining water, resulting in low or no weight loss.

Dr. Simeons’ weight loss clinic was located in Rome, Italy. In his landmark Pounds and Inches manuscript, he notes that there’s a major difference between Italian and U.S. beef, and that is the fat content. U.S. beef is prized for its deep marbling, which makes it tender and flavorful. Unfortunately, this marbled fat is almost impossible to remove. On the other hand, Italian beef is significantly lower in visible fat and has roughly half the caloric value.

For this reason, Dr. Simeons recommends that people in the U.S. use low-grade veal instead of beef for a protein choice. Veal is lower in fat and calories and provides plenty of protein for your daily needs. According to the USDA, veal has between 35 and 70 fewer calories than most beef cuts and half the fat.

So if you’re going to follow the HCG weight loss diet to the letter, stick with veal. Veal is not used as much in the U.S. as it is in Italy and elsewhere in Europe, and there are generally fewer style cuts available in markets. However, you won’t regret the extra time and expense if it helps you meet your weight loss goals.

What about other beef choices? There are other alternatives to veal, as long as you try them with care. Alternative beef choices include:

American whole beef cuts

Although low-grade veal should probably be your first choice, availability and price may persuade you to try regular American beef instead. If you do decide to try regular American beef, look for whole cuts that are extra lean, at least 95%. Trim as much visible fat as you can, and as usual make sure not to use any additional fats or oils when cooking.

Ground beef

If you’re really desperate for ground beef, you could ask a butcher to grind your extra-lean whole cuts, or consider getting a meat grinder for your home kitchen and try grinding the meat yourself. Avoid buying prepackaged ground beef. It’s typically made using the same heavily-marbled cuts that Dr. Simeons warned against, making its fat content too high. Even if you can find ground beef that’s labeled for leanness, the labels can be misleading. It’s just not worth the risk.

Range-fed beef

Range-fed beef comes from cows fed on fresh grass rather than starchy grains. This results in less marbling and healthier meat. Range-fed beef has a higher ratio of omega-6 and CLA than grain-fed beef. You can often find range-fed beef at organic and health food stores.

Buffalo meat

Studies have shown that buffalo meat, which is typically range-fed, has significantly less fat and fewer calories while containing more protein and nutrients. Many people also claim that it tastes even better than typical American beef.

When trying these alternative protein choices, pay attention to your morning weigh-in and stop eating them if your weight loss seems to be suffering. You can always add them back in when you are done with the low-calorie diet. These beef alternatives are great, healthy choices for the rest of your life.

To learn more about the HCG diet using healthy HCG weight loss drops, visit http://www.healthyhcg.com.

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