Healthy Living is Good Nutrition, Exercise, and Vitamins

If you’re like me; it’s hard to maintain good health. What I mean by good health is eating nutritious foods like fruits, nuts, vegetables, salads, poultry, and meats.

There is a secret to eating right.

It’s not so much in what you eat, but how much and how fast you eat it; that?is what can make the difference. Always use moderation – excessive eating and drinking are not good for your body.

Then getting in some exercise every day, like walking, (go for a nice even paced walk after dinner). Try jogging early in the morning before it gets too hot, or running after work to help you wind down from your day.

Sign up for a fitness gym and workout two or three times a week. These are a few of the things that work together to keep us healthy.


There are just way too many temptations out there to throw us off track. It seems like almost every other corner there is a fast food stop or a coffee shop with sweets in it. If you’re not into sweets (although I cant’ imagine anyone not liking them) there is a ton of processed stuff that they call goodies, that you can munch on (But only a few; remember moderation).

Then there are so many vehicles now that it is easier to drive or ride to your destination than walk or peddle a bicycle. These temptations can seriously impede our striving for the good healthy living.


Many of us take some type of daily vitamins and supplements to strengthen our immune system, but that alone is not enough.

Physical checkups by a doctor at least twice a year is a good way to keep tabs on how well you are, and what more you need to do.


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