How To Naturally Reduce Blood Pressure

Though it may seem to be an oxymoron it is true that exercising regularly will reduce blood pressure. The release of hormones and oxygen into the blood stream and making the heart work are excellent ways to reduce the stress on the muscles, of which, your heart is one. Tension in the shoulders is awful. When the heart feels the same way, it is strained.

The heart works much like a hose for watering the lawn. If you kink it, it will still try to push water through the narrowed passageway. If you put your thumb over the end while watering, the water is forced through it and it goes farther. This pressure can burst the hose if you are not careful. The same goes for the heart.

To reduce blood pressure naturally without having to purchase high cost pills from a pharmacy there are many ways to go about it. You should definitely stop smoking as a starter. Cigarettes contain carcinogens which are poisons that are willingly put into the body. People claim that smoking helps them to relax. Yes, for a second before the poison takes over. Then doing without a cigarette will cause stress and affect the blood pressure. Limit alcohol intake. This too is a poison that people love to imbibe. Alcohol poisoning is the hangover that is experienced afterward. It may not seem like it but this causes the pressure to go up too.

There are other ways to reduce blood pressure as well. Eat a well balanced diet. This is not easy with the taste of fast food being so delicious. Eating more fruits, vegetables, meats low in fat and keeping your hands away from deep fried foods, such as french fries and chicken strips, is good advice. The more fat you ingest the faster the arteries throughout the body will become clogged and you will be back to the hose metaphor.

Many doctors tell you that to reduce blood pressure you must lower your sodium intake. Though this is good advice it will not affect everyone the same. Some children eat rock salt and it does nothing to cause them harm. The same goes for some adults. They thrive on salt. However, this is not the best for everyone. Too much sodium will cause the blood to become harder to push through the vessels.

Losing weight is a hobby for most people. Being overweight causes many problems with health because there is too much fat pushing on every organ, blood vessel, and the joints as well. Blood vessels will have to be pressurized to get the blood through the whole body. This is very unhealthy and can cause them to burst. If this happens in the brain, it causes strokes, aneurysms and death.

Lowering blood pressure is easy if you try. Making your body healthier will allow you to enjoy life more and also give the family less stress because they won’t be worrying about you.

Are you looking for the best high blood pressure remedies? Be sure to visit my site to find out how you can lower blood pressure naturally without drugs.

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