Link Between Hypothyroidism and Hypertension

There is evidence that hypothyroidism and hypertension disease are related. The thyroid gland is the one responsible for regulating blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature and metabolism in the body. This gland is located near the throat area. The hormones produced by the thyroid gland are the ones that help the body cells to take care of all these functions. The hormones take care of the growing process on children and can accelerate or slow the chemical reactions on the body as well. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produce a lower than normal amount of hormonal substances. This has severe consequences on the human body as the hormones produced by this gland affect most of our body functions.

Hypothyroidism Causes

There are many things that can cause this condition like some medications, iodine deficiency, destruction from the thyroid gland and diseases from the pituitary gland. Medications used to treat the hyperthyroidism condition can cause hypothyroidism. Some drugs can over do it and instead balancing the amount of hormones produced by the thyroid they decrease too much the production of them. Consuming a certain amount of iodine is necessary to prevent hypothyroidism as well. Since salt intake is quite high in most places, iodine deficiency as the cause of the condition is not very usual. Some people affected by the hyperthyroidism condition have their thyroid gland treated with radiation and or most of its tissue is removed by surgery. Doing this can make the gland produce a lower amount of hormonal substances than it should.

Sometimes the pituitary gland can not send an appropriate signal to the thyroid gland resulting in a malfunction on the last one. This can also cause a lower production of the hormonal substances. Sometimes when a person is suffering the condition no symptoms are present initially but after a while they become more evident.

Symptoms and consequences

Hypothyroidism and hypertension go hand by hand. When low levels of the hormones are present one of the main side effects that occur is that blood pressure rises. Apparently the body needs a certain amount of the hormonal substances to keep the blood pressure under control. Weight gaining and increased cholesterol levels are also symptoms that your gland is not working well. All this together can create a serious scenario where you are a greater risk of suffering heart diseases. The best way to avoid this is prevention with a healthy life style. Otherwise a hormonal treatment is necessary for the body to regulate its functions.

If you want to understand more about this condition you can visit to learn more about the average blood pressure.

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