Beta Blockers in Essential Hypertension

Essential hypertension is a term generally used for hypertension originated from unknown causes. Most of the people experience this type of hypertension. Hypertension is when the pressure exerted by the blood over the arteries walls is higher than it should be. The average or normal pressure reading is below 120mmHg/80mmHg. Any person with a reading […]

New Advances in Blood Glucose Monitoring

New Advances in Blood Glucose Monitoring Article by Jessica Lane For patients suffering from diabetes, properly-functioning blood glucose meters can quite literally be lifesavers. A number of new developments in blood glucose testing can allow for greater convenience and accurate, continual monitoring of the current blood sugar level for diabetes patients while requiring less blood […]

Using Blood Pressure Remedies for Lifestyle Improvement

In this fast life, we often see people suffering from various ailments and diseases. It is partly due to the stress which their work exerts on them, and partly due to their own mismanagement and laziness. Like many other lifestyle diseases blood pressure problem is also often seen among the obese and old age people. […]

Secrets of American Diabetes Association Diet Plan

American Diabetes Association Diet plan is for the good health of members who are suffering diabetes, but everyone who has access to the association’s website can learn a lot about what foods to eat to control diabetes or to not get diabetes. But since everyone will not go to the site, this article will suffice […]

Primary Pulmonary Hypertension Settlement

Primary Pulmonary Hypertension is a deadly disease. It has no cure. The life expectancy of a patient suffering from Primary Pulmonary Hypertension is, on an average, 30 months upon detection and confirmation of the disease. The patient suffers great losses-physical, mental and financial. Medical bills mount up. Other associated expenses are also incurred as a […]

What Are the 4 Main High Blood Pressure Symptons?

It is estimated that a third of those with high blood pressure have never been diagnosed and are unaware of that they have the condition. This is because high blood pressure symptons can be mild, or non-existent, which is one of the reasons that it has been called the “silent killer” Unfortunately very few symptoms […]

Diet Guidelines For High Blood Pressure

There are several causes of high blood pressure, one of the most common being unhealthy food habits. Thus, goes without saying that following a proper diet can help in bringing back one’s blood pressure in the normal range. Following a diet plan that ensures low sodium intake can prove especially beneficial for people suffering from […]