Lower Blood Pressure Naturally – Whole Grains Reduce Stroke Risk By 25%

Put down the white rice and pick up the brown. Refined white bread, actually any refined grain food should be replaced by whole grain foods in order to lower blood pressure naturally and safely according to a recent study.

A group of adults in their 50s, all overweight, were among participants of a study that replaced refined grains (rice, cereal, breads) with whole grain food instead. The original study was to determine if this practice would cause a weight loss and it did. However as a pleasant side effect, after three months the participants saw a drop in systolic blood pressure of five to six points. Lower blood pressure means a lesser risk of heart attack, congestive heart failure, kidney disease and blindness to name just a few of the adverse effects of high blood pressure.

Further analysis of the study revealed that this natural approach actually reduced the risk of coronary artery disease by 15% and the risk of stroke by an amazing 25%. Why these whole grains work is still a mystery.

Participants of the study were asked to replace at least three servings of processed grains with whole grain alternatives each day. Refined or processed foods invariably have more sodium content than whole foods and that may explain the reduction in pressure however there was no documentation of how much sodium or potassium (the other magic ingredient for lowering pressure) that the subjects consumed or gave up by eating the whole grains.

Elevated pressure and even hypertension can often be controlled through diet and exercise according to the American Heart Association. In fact the AHA recommends that drugs only be used when diet and exercise are not enough to control the condition.

Given that blood pressure medications, even diuretics, come with an array of negative side effects ranging from incontinence and fatigue to heart failure, use of natural foods and a regular work out regimen is much healthier not to mention less costly.

With over 50 million Americans suffering from this “Silent Killer” any good news about lowering blood pressure naturally is welcome. This latest study simply shows that there is one more strategy that people can use to control and reverse the condition as well as avoid the dangers of medication side effects.

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