Lower High Blood Pressure Naturally

How do we lower our blood pressure without pills and what are the dangers of hypertension? In today’s world, everything can make your pressure rise. Your job, your children, your spouse, driving in traffic, waiting in line, worrying about money, stressing over your health, and many other things.

What are the symptoms of hypertension? The symptoms are usually silent in the early stages. That is why it is so dangerous because it can do a lot of damage before you even know that you have it. Some symptoms are headaches, bloody nose, and dizziness. Stroke, heart attack or kidney failure can occur if blood pressure is not lowered. The best way is to have your doctor or health provider monitor your blood pressure or get your own blood pressure monitor to check it at home. I am not a physician and I do not recommend that people stop going to their doctors. Trying new natural ways of dealing with your hypertension is a choice.

What is a safe way to reduce it naturally? Learn how below:

Celery – Eat four stalks of celery a day until your blood pressure goes down. I learned many years ago that eating celery is an excellent way to reduce your blood pressure. It has a natural form of Valium. I have tried this and have recommend it to many people with much success.

Exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 or 4 times a week. Walking is still the best way to exercise without much effort. If you live in an area that has cold winters, you might think about getting a stationary bike or a treadmill so you can exercise all year round. Most health problems occur in the winter when we are not able to get outdoors as much. Another good way is go to the mall where you can walk all around without a weather problem.

Ginkgo biloba is an herb that has been used for many years. We take it ourselves to keep our arteries clear and blood flow normal. When our arteries get clogged, blood cannot flow easily and sometimes causes the blood pressure to elevate.

Try to lose weight. Overweight gets your pressure cooking. Reducing the amount of fats that you take can help lower your blood pressure. Make sure you take soluble fiber in your meal planning. Some examples are: apples, apricots, barley, berries, cabbage, carrots, celery, grapefruit, nectarines, oatmeal, peaches, peas, most beans, sweet potatoes, tangerines, and zucchini. Soluble fiber contributes to good health by lowering the total amount of cholesterol circulating in the bloodstream. This helps reduce the risk of developing hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart disease and strokes.

Golden flaxseed is an excellent way to lower blood pressure naturally. It also helps to lower cholesterol, blood sugar, helps the brain, and even helps the skin. Golden flaxseed has been around for over a thousand years, but many people do not know how beneficial it is for healthy living. It is high in omega 3 fatty acids and also an excellent source of B vitamins and proteins, and contains the soluble fiber that we need. and is also gluten free. You can put it on your cereal to mix it in muffins. It has a good nutty taste. Just 4 tbls of golden flaxseed a day can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol.

Magnesium plays an important role in every system in your body. It can lower blood pressure, reduce high cholesterol, help prevent cancer and diabetes, keep your heart healthy, relieve stress, and much more. It has been said today that 8 out of 10 people do not get enough magnesium. It is present in hard water. Research recommends taking magnesium with calcium. Always check with your doctor or health provider before taking any supplements.

Stress definitely is a factor in raising the blood pressure. Did you know that talking raises the blood pressure, and that people who do more listening to others many times have lower blood pressure? Laughter causes an increase in your pulse rate and breathing rate, which increases the amount of oxygen in your blood, so laughter is still the best medicine

For ages 25-29 years, the ideal reading should be 121/80 For ages 35-39 years, the ideal reading should be 123/82 For ages 45-49 years, the ideal reading should be 127/84 For ages 55-59 years, the ideal reading should be 131/86 For ages 60-64 years, the ideal reading should be 134/87

Do not expect that at 62 years old you can have the blood pressure of a 25 year old. Medical research shows that as we age blood pressure rises slightly to accommodate an increased demand of oxygen and nutrients. In conclusion, eat right, exercise, take beneficial herbs, keep a healthy weight, try to keep your stress level down and do not forget to laugh or make someone else laugh.

Mary Carpenter is a writer and research specialist on herbs and natural health. She has over 40 years of study in that field and want to share her knowledge with others. Check her website for the free information on stress reduction at http://www.ournaturalhealthsite.com/stopkickbackandrelax.php

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