Massage – Core Relaxation Technique

This is a great example of my Core Relaxation Technique. Notice how I work light to medium, to deep for greater comfort and effectiveness. The process of using my weight to brace the spine in order to work deep into the muscle of the spine, front and back. I address the deep layers of muscle including the spinal erectors and even psoas. My weight is distributed accross the pelvis, for a deep compression pumping action of the lymph and blood of the lower organs, iliacus, psoas, glutes, shu points along the rib joints, and the pressure points at the sacrum. The deep portions, especially, the portions which I use my entire weight for compression are absolutely conraindicated for paitients who have severe spinal injuries in the acute stage or for persons with fragile skeletons. The technique is absolutely indicated for those who have large dense muscles, strong bones, and stress in the glutes and lower back. The roots of this technique are from Eastern modalities, such as Thai massage, and are rooted in a depth of knowledge of anatomy Check out my website for more from me.

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