Supplements For Hypertension

One of the Most dangerous health conditions today is hypertension. What makes hypertension so dangerous? Hypertension is a disease that millions of Americans suffer from without any symptoms. Due to its lack of warning signs it is often called the silent killer. Chronic high blood pressure triples your risk of all the major cardiovascular diseases, from heart failure to peripheral artery disease. Hypertension speeds up the hardening of our arteries, it damages our heart by enlarging the heart chambers and increases the risk of blood clots that can result in either a stroke or heart attack.

Unfortunately hypertension seems to progress naturally as we age. The Framingham Heart Study 2/3 participants who started out with normal blood pressure develop some degree of hypertension by their sixties. Other studies seem to indicate that African Americans are more vulnerable to hypertension than others. Women tend to have a lower blood pressure than men yet by middle age they tend to catch up with men or exceed them in blood pressure levels. So no matter what our blood pressure is today the statistics seem to indicate that for most of us hypertension is in our future.Other than pharmacological solutions is there anything that we can do to stave off this silent killer.

Other than diet and exercise which I believe are the most important, there are nutritional supplements that have been scientifically proven to be beneficial for your cardiovascular system. Omega three fatty acids have been proven to lower triglycerides. Triglycerides have been linked atherosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries thus increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Vitamin D has been the news lately showing it to be very beneficial for cardiovascular disease, in particular hypertension. A recent study by the University of Rochester suggested that a deficiency in vitamin D is related to cardiovascular disease. This study and others may explain why many people suffer heart attacks and strokes during the winter months.

Another supplement that has received a lot of press recently is the amino acid L arginine. Arginine is an amino acid the body uses to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide allows blood vessels to relax thus improving circulation. In 1998 three scientists won a Nobel prize for bringing to light the understanding of how the body uses arginine to produce nitric oxide and relax blood vessels. Other supplements that would be beneficial are anti oxidants such as grape seed extract, exotic fruits like mangosteen acai and goji. The research on all these supplements is well documented in the scientific literature. All one has to do is do the research. However it would be quite a task to purchase all of the supplements individually and add them to your diet daily. That is why Formor International has brought all of these ingredients together in one healthy cocktail. They call it Cardio Cocktail. I call it the ultimate supplement for your heart. You can find out more about it by visiting

Larry Vestal has been involved in Alternative Medicine for over 20 years. He has worked with Medical Doctors in the Atlanta area assisting with nutritional protocols. For more information you can visit his website at

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