How To Stay Safe When Taking High Blood Pressure Medication

High blood pressure is treated with many different groups of medicines. Each group affects the body in a different way. Depending on your full assessment, your doctor may decide you need a single medicine, or a combination of two or more. Beta blockers are one group. They slow the heart down. They also reduce the […]

Herbal and Other High Blood Pressure Cures

Hawthorn is a good herbal remedy for high blood pressure. Not only are hawthorn leaves, flowers and berries all considered good for your heart, the herbal remedies that use them have also been shown to lower blood pressure. Teas and supplements made from hawthorn berries can help people who suffer from irregular heartbeats or heart […]

Vitamins & Nutrients Are Essential to Healthy Skin

There are lots of essential vitamins for healthy skin. In fact, all of the essential nutrients that the body needs are also important to the skin’s health. Any nutritional deficiency will have a negative effect on the skin’s appearance, as it negatively affects the health of the body. In addition, there are specific foods that […]

9 Easy Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

So your blood pressure is high, but you don’t want to take prescription drugs? Can’t say I blame you, with what we’ve learned about some very popular pharmaceuticals over the last year or so. Well, you’re in luck. There are some simple modifications you can incorporate into your lifestyle that can make a big difference […]

Lower limb fasciotomy – Compartment syndrome

Compartment syndrome is the compression of nerves, blood vessels, and muscle inside a closed space (compartment) within the body. This leads to tissue death This is a 24 years old patient with history of a traumatic fracture of his femur, he was transferred from another hospital and when he arrived to our hospital in Quito-Ecuador […]

Vitamins For Hair Loss – Which Ones Should You Take?

Aside from stress, genetics and diseases, poor diet can also contribute to falling hair. If inadequate diet is your problem, it can easily remedied by eating lots of food with protein and taking vitamins that can contribute to hair growth. In order to encourage hair growth, a person should take B vitamins. Some examples include […]

High Blood Pressure And Eyes

The occurrence of red eye symptoms (e.g. as in subconjunctival hemorrhage) often indicates high blood pressure. Most common causes for poor blood circulation are free radical damage to the circulatory system, lack of healthy nutrition (deficiency of vitamins, minerals, aminos acids and essential fatty acids) and acid toxins within the body. As a result the […]